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Nimble Established

in 2009, Nimble is a

new-age CRM built

for modern business

tools like Office

365 and G Suite.

According to Jon,

good CRM should

automatically and

consistently build

itself from the data

that the user is interacting

with. CRM

solutions should

assist users to measure and manage the relationships

with their prospects and customers

while enabling them to track the interactions at

the same time.

A CRM should stand for Customer Relationship

Management, but…

“I think, a CRM should stand for Customer

Relationship Management. But, in the current

corporate world, it stands for Customer

Reporting Management. Thus, we invented

Nimble to change that. We put the “R” back in

CRM—to bring the focus on relationships, to

empower the customer-facing team members

to engage more effectively because that’s what

will help grow your business,” shares Jon. The

invention of Nimble wasn’t a sudden decision.

Prior to establishing Nimble, Jon Co-founded

GoldMine— an award-winning Customer Relationship

Management tool. In 1989, when there

was no Outlook or Salesforce, GoldMine assisted

the users with a unified interface, where

all their customer contacts and history of interactions

were stored. Nimble is the next step of

GoldMine. Nimble CRM precisely focuses on

modern business tools and gathers the customers’

data from various platforms. Thus, it started

more than a decade ago when Jon and his

team clearly understood the need for a com

prehensive solution that will help businesses

to access their contact records and history of

interactions with their customers. Jon adds,

“When you go to a contact, in any of those

siloes places like Office 365 or G Suite, you

have no idea who the individuals are or what

their businesses are about or the interactions

that you or your team has had with them.”

This is where Nimble comes to the picture.

It gathers all your contacts, calendars and

communications from Office 365 or G Suite as

well as from social and other sales, marketing,

customer service, and accounting programs.

This helps users to access the simplified

contacts and interaction data wherever they’re


One of the reasons for starting Nimble

was the changing social media and…

Nimble was started when people were not using

platforms like Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn

for business. However, the decreasing use

of APIs and the rise of new business tools indicated

the change wave. Understanding the

shifting scenario, the team of Nimble moved

their focus from APIs and began to build integrations

for newly established and growing

platforms like Office 365 and G Suite. They

designed Nimble to automatically combine

contacts, social media connections, communications,

inboxes, and calendar appointments

with over 160 apps and CRMs into one integrated

relationship manager.

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