Ethernet Cable - Uses in a Coworking Space

We are not cutting the cord with the Internet just yet. Coworking spaces need high quality ethernet cabling for various purposes. Take a look at the breakdown. Visit: https://www.sfcable.com/blog/ethernet-cable-uses-coworking-space/

We are not cutting the cord with the Internet just yet. Coworking spaces need high quality ethernet cabling for various purposes. Take a look at the breakdown. Visit: https://www.sfcable.com/blog/ethernet-cable-uses-coworking-space/


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All of the ways we get the internet is great, but even in 2020, I have to

say, there is nothing quite like a good old ​Ethernet cable​. Not only in

terms of plugging into a computer, but you need superior Ethernet

cables in your in-wall wiring as well. Let’s walk through a typical

coworking space, where you can see the huge amount of internet usage

and the nuances of it.

A coworking space caters to start-ups, individual workers, as well as

anyone who wants a more flexible infrastructure.

Technology Setup In A Coworking Space:

A coworking space means there are people from various professions

using one space. There will always be a shortage of power plugs, Wi-Fi

bandwidth, printers, etc. The remedy to this is getting bulk cat6 cable

for the wiring of the space as well as to connect to devices. You can use

them in a conference room to connect to a smart board, the likes of

Google’s Jamboard, Microsoft’s Surface Hub device, etc. These devices

mainly come in handy for video conferencing and collaborative work

during meetings. Therefore, connecting them to an Ethernet cable

would be the best way to use them with a more consistent internet



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