June 1986 Volleyball Monthly

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e realize our first glossy issue

Wwill be a tough act to follow,

but we’ve recruited a bonafide

volleyball novelist to help us avoid

the June swoon.

Ron Bernstein, the official

historian of beach volleyball, begins

the first of a five-part scries this

month entitled: “Legends of Beach

Volleyball.” Bernstein looks back at

the great sand career of Gene

Sclznick (page 42) in his first effort

for Volleyball Monthly since 1984.

Subsequent articles will follow this

summer on such legends as Ron Von

Hagen, Ron Lang, Larry Rundle,

Henry Bergman, Jim Menges and

Greg Lee.

Bernstein, 38, is no stranger to

beach volleyball or writing about it.

lie has chronicled the sport’s

characters and superb athletes since

1966 when he began his journalism

career at Santa Monica City College.

“1 remember Mike O’Hara was the

indoor coach at Santa Monica then

and I was interested in the beach

game," says Bernstein, a native of

Santa Monica. “1 asked O’Hara who

was the best player on the beach

and he said: ‘I am.’ I asked him

about Sclznick and he said to go

look at the records, that he had won


Bernstein didn’t stop asking

questions or verifying records until

he drifted away from the sport in

the early 80s. Before he took a

bleacher scat, however, he covered

the beach game for the defunked

Volleyball Magazine, Beach

Volleyball Magazine and

sporadically for Volleyball Monthly.

His most impressive writing

accomplishment is a novel he wrote

about the beach game appropriately

entitled: “Straight Down.” The book,

most likely the only novel ever

written about volleyball, follows the

adventures of fictitious character

Billy Rovere, but is full of real-life


Bernstein’s “Legends of Beach

Volleyball” are non-fiction efforts.

On the Cover

Pepperdine setter Doug Rigg

slaps a high five tri th teammate

Rob Scott en route to a remarkable

comeback victory over USC in the

.VC4A National Championship

match at Penn State. It teas the

second straight national title for

the Waves. (Photograph by Dennis



but the subject matter promises to

make the series a novel treat for all

VM readers.

The June issue also marks a

change in the format of our junior

coverage. The opinionated and

often controversial Jess Money, who

has covered the high school and

junior beat for this magazine for two

years now, will be writing under the

umbrella of a new column heading

called: “On the Money.”

lliis will allow Money to offer

more of his opinion, without it

necessarily correlating with the

views of Volleyball Monthly. Money

grew up in Manhattan Beach

watching the same beach

tournaments Bernstein was writing

about, where his interest for the

sport escalated. Money has a diverse

volleyball background, ranging from

public relations director of the

Orange County Stars in the old

International Volleyball Association

to one of this year’s Pac Rim

coordinators for the USA’s women’s


Money has always held a

particular interest in junior

volleyball. “The things that interest

me the most are the things that

interest the USVBA the least,” says


“I see so many athletes out there

that could be that much better with

a little exposure. I see junior

development as a real key to

international competition for the

United States, especially with the

women because it’s going to be real

hard to get back where we were in

84 and maintain it.”Q



Jon Hastings

Dennis G. Steers

m w w


Staff Writers

Steven R. Churm • Kevin Falls

Barry Fisher • Jon Lee

Craig Reem * Glenn Scott

Staff Photographers

Ken Chen • Colin Crawford

Brad Graverson • Bruce Hazelton «

Steve Richmond • Tim Ryan •

Jim Spirakis

Art Department

Bob Fusfield * Thomas G. Steers


Andy Bergher• David Cowie

Brenda Bea Gallagher • Tony Hertz •

Thalia Hastings * George Lopez

Nancy Wilcox • Diane Williams

Executive Secretary

Colleen Kramer

Advertising Director

Peter Koch-Weser

(213) 836-2642


Tobin & Kreitman Associates

4753 N. Broadway, Suite 1126

Chicago, IL 60640

Telephone: (312) 561-9334


Paul Gabriel • Mark Hucek


Jeannie Madden & Associates

Legal Department

Wallace F. Rodgers

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