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A conversation with Jess Hill

The family law system has always

been beleaguered and besieged

and so there is this mentality that

nobody really understands what

they have to deal with, and they

do have to deal with a lot. I don’t

envy any family court judge,

lawyer or report writer.

There’s a lot of contesting

allegations that are hard to

unpick but, at the same time,

once you do have expertise in the

area, and you were to actually

give proper time to assessing

families, and maybe not just one

report writer but having a triage

system where a number of

different professionals assess the

family, then, I think, you might

start to get better results.

I think the fact that you’ve got

one report writer, who assesses

them for an hour or two, maybe a

little bit more, maybe then

doesn’t have any proof of the

session aside from their notes,

and can then basically make any

recommendation they like,

without any oversight, that’s

obviously a corruptible system.

Whether or not it is corrupt,

that’s up to people to prove or

disprove but where there is no

accountability, it’s certainly a

system open to corruption.

M: My experience has been that

it is certainly open to very deeply

held biases, take the police for

example, depending on what

your beliefs are. You will take

down notes confirming them and

these notes aren’t written down

until maybe several hours later

and then not used in court until

several months, even years down

the line and when you read the

notes back, it takes on a certain



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