April atmore magazine

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In the “Atmore Chamber World” there are only about

45 days a year where things are “calm” and there is

time to do personal projects without distractions.

So, with that in mind, shortly after the Chamber Gala,

I began refinishing a swing that hangs on our back porch.

The day I took the swing down, I told my husband the

project would not take more than a weekend or two and

we would be having our weekend morning coffees on it

in no time. I even went on to say that I would have time

to complete a few other things around the house before

the “Mayfest Time” kicked into high gear. That did not

end up being the case.

The “simple” project that I thought would only take a

Chamber Notes

weekend or two ended up taking me nearly a month

and a half. During this time, I experienced setbacks due

to not having enough supplies, not anticipating the right

tools, and structural challenges I had not taken into


At the same time,

I came to realize

other things that

made me smile

and taught me a

lot. I was surprised

by the beauty of

natural wood once

I was finally able to

see what laid under

years of paint.

I got frustrated by

things not going the

way I planned and

taking so long. I felt


when I couldn't

get it to a place

I considered

perfect. I got discouraged when certain aspects were

much harder than I felt they should've been and many

times I questioned if my decision and vision for the

project was really worth it.

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