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Reduce fuel by 20%

Minority to govt


has called on the

government and

the Oil Marketing


(OMCs) to reduce

fuel prices by some 20% as oil

prices on the world market continue

to tumble.

The call by the minority

comes after fuel prices went

down by some 4.7% on March

17 this year despite promises by

the Chief Executive Officer of

the National Petroleum Authority

(NPA), Mr Hassan Tampuli,

that fuel prices would go down

by some 15%.

“We believe that by the next

pricing window, from what we

have seen with the movement of

the products, the prices and so

forth, we’re likely to see something

within the range of 15%

reduction,” the Chief Executive

Officer of the NPA, Mr Tampuli

said then.

He was speaking to the media

on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, following

calls from groups like the

Chamber of Petroleum Consumers,

the Institute of Energy

Security and the opposition National

Democratic Congress for

reduction in fuel prices.

In a statement by the Minority,

Mr Adam Muktawakilu, a

ranking member on the Mines

and Energy Committee in Parliament,

stated that due to the

falling levels of prices on the international

markets, prices of

fuel must be reduced by not less

than 20%.

“Since the close of the second

week of March 2020, prices

of crude and finished products

continue to tumble on the international

market. The Minority

Caucus has analysed the trends

in prices of crude and petroleum

products since the beginning of

the year and is of the firm belief

that prices at the pumps should

be reduced by at least 20%.

“A reduction of at least 20%

is particularly imperative in view

of the challenges facing Ghanaians

in the light of the measures

introduced by the government.

“A significant reduction in the

prices of fuel is non-negotiable

as the Government tries to deal

with the COVID-19 pandemic."

They said the call for a reduction

of 20% takes into consideration

the fall of crude oil

(31%+) and petrol ( 50%+) on

the international market over the

last two weeks.

They said, "the current situation

was exacting a toll on businesses

and most companies are

scaling down their operations

with others laying off workers.”


Guinean woman escapes

from mandatory quarantine


ONE OF the

Guineans who

tested positive

for Covid-19 in

Tamale has escaped

from the

mandatory isolation centre.

The young lady, who authorities

say is in her early 20s, allegedly

scaled the wall at the back

of the hotel where she and nine

others were being held in mandatory


“At midnight when everybody

was asleep she scaled the wall and

escaped, leaving her belongings,

including a mobile phone,”

Northern Regional Minister, Salifu

Saeed, stated.

He added that security personnel

had launched a manhunt for


Mr Saeed said the Guinean escaped

at the blind side of two police

officers and two military

personnel who were guarding the


He urged for calm as measures

had been put in place to ensure

the girl is captured and returned

to quarantine for her safety as well

as other purposes.

Earlier, the government had

announced a decision to have the

10 Guineans who were arrested

and tested positive for the Covid-

19 repatriated to their country of

origin for treatment.

The foreigners had been in the

county for 11 days before they

were arrested and put in mandatory

self-isolation after they arrived

in the Northern Region

town of Tamale through Burkina

Faso and Togo.

“At midnight

when everybody

was asleep she

scaled the wall

and escaped,

leaving her belongings,


a mobile

phone,” Northern


Minister, Salifu

Saeed, stated.

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