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It’s great to be young and a Comet!

Oakwood High School April 3, 2020

Comet Courier

Volume VII, Issue 17

Covid-19 puts OHS on Remote Learning

Remote Learning is the Illinois

State Board of Education’s tool to

replace face-to-face learning due to


We will be back in the buildings

as soon as it is safe (at least April

30), but in the meantime, students

will be learning remotely.

The teachers spent the past week

reaching out to students and preparing

their Remote Learning plans.

Beginning on April 6, OHS will put

the Remote Learning plans in place.

Students should stay in contact

with their teachers through email.

If they are unable to do that, they

can call the school to set up other


Here are some answers to some

frequently asked questions:

SAT, Illinois Science Assessment

-- All state assessments have been

suspended for Spring 2020. ISBE

is working with the College Board

on developing options to allow 11th

grade students to take the SAT in the


School Calendar -- All Remote

Learning days will count as attendance

days and will not have to be

made up.

Nutrition/Meals -- The school

district will continue to provide

meals during the stay at home order.

For more information, read the story

in this issue.

Behind the Wheel -- The 6-hour

behind the wheel portion of driver’s

education programs must be

suspended for the duration of the

mandatory suspension of in-person


Technology -- Students can request

a loan for a Chromebook by

filling out a request form. You can

find the form on the school website.

Graduation/Prom/Etc. -- OHS

hopes to get as many of these traditional

events as possible. This will

be impacted by how soon we are

able to return to school.

Stay safe and stay tuned!

2 Comet Courier 04-03-20

Peace named Comet of the Month

Denius honored for Determination; Wells is top athlete

The OHS Student Recognition

Committee has

chosen Abby Peace to be

the April Student of the


Peace is an honor roll

student, member of National

Honor Society and

a member of Student


Peace has organized the

(twice-postponed) Blood

Drive and was involved in

the WinterFest games.

Junior Aaliyah Denius

is the winner of the Character

Trait Award for Determination.

Denius is on the High

Honor roll and a member





Fritz earns April staff member of the month

Mrs. Darla Fritz has been chosen

as the April Staff Member of

the Month.

Fritz has been the Transporation

Director of the Oakwood

School District for eight years.

In that time, Fritz has become

known for transportation safety

and the care of the district’s children.

“Darla has put a lot of time

and energy into establishing a

solid track record of bus safety,”

said OHS Principal Tim Lee.

“She has been recognized for her

of National Honor Society.

She is also a threesport

athlete competing in

volleyball, basketball, and

track and field.

Senior Aubrey Wells

was named the April Athlete

of the Month.



Wells is a member of

the basketball, softball,

and cross country teams.


Fritz has been presented and

spoken at various transportation

conferences and has appeared on

local media as a transportation

safety guru.

Fritz will be retiring from the

district on April 30. She is the

mother of two -- Sara, and senior

Wyatt Dicken.

Mrs. Fritz poses with the honorary

‘O’ after being named April

Staff Member of the Month.

Engage Educate Empower

3 Comet Courier 04-03-20

Counseling calendar


I am still hoping to meet with each student to discuss

class requests for next school year. If I have not already met

with you, keep checking emails. We might be able to “meet”

through email, phone call or maybe even video conference.

DACC Registration:

DACC has cancelled their Discover DACC Days for seniors.

I will pass along registration information as soon as I can.


There are still scholarship opportunities out there for seniors.

Here is a list of scholarships due in April. Keep checking the

website for more information.

-- Vermilion County HS Principals’ Assoc. Scholarship

-- Red Mask Players--Jean Lewis Scholarship

-- OSF HealthCare Scholarship

-- Illinois Society of Professional Engineers

-- AMBUCS - Lori Lyons Special Educ. Scholarship

-- Cameron Cunningham Foundation Scholarship

-- Christie Foundation Scholarship

-- Fithian Women’s Club Scholarship

-- Landmark Credit Union – Kimberly M. Hagan Memorial


-- Education Personnel Federal Credit Union - Shick Hebermehl

Memorial Scholarship

-- Vermilion County Bar Association

-- Golden Apple Scholars of IL Program

-- Brenda Ludwig Scholarship

-- Joe Lewis - Cup o’ Joe Memorial Scholarship

-- Phyllis Parks Scholarship

-- Margaret Ward Scholarship

-- Vermilion County Retired Teachers Scholarship

-- Business Women of Vermilion County Scholarship

-- Ashley Nicole Wilson Memorial Scholarship

-- Danville Industrial Painting Inc. Scholarship

-- Ill. Hospital Research and Educ. Found. Scholarship

-- Life Savings Scholarship

-- OHS - Floyd M. Nieman Scholarship

-- OHS - Student Council Scholarship

-- Oakwood Men’s Club Scholarship

-- Sage Crawford Memorial Scholarship

-- Paul Brumaghim Memorial Scholarship

-- Pettice Family Scholarship

District will

continue to

provide food

The Oakwood School District will continue

to provide food for all students during

the stay-at-home order.

To order the food, go to the Oakwood

School website (oakwood76.org) and click

on the link for Food Service Distribution.

When you open the link, you will see the

details that are needed to order the food.

The site will also tell you the delivery times

and the delivery locations.

To continue receiving the food, you must

sign in each time.

The health and wellness of its students is

a priority for the Oakwood School District.

If any student has concerns or questions

about this opportunity, they can contact Tim

Lee (leet@oakwood76.org).

Call the school if you have a question -- 217-354-2358


Remote Learning -- Frequently Asked Questions

For access to the full Oakwood School District Remote Learning Guidebook go to the school


How do I get books/materials/technology from the school? Students can pick up any

materials from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Mon., April 6 in the cafeteria.

What if I need to get something out of my locker? Students will be able to get into their

locker from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Mon., April 6.

What if I need a technology device to access remote learning? Students may request a

Chromebook to be used during the Remote Learning period. The device must be returned in the

same condition at the end of the remote learning period. Students should only request a device if

they have no other access. They will need to fill out an agreement form and will be responsible for all

damages. Here is the link for the Chromebook request form:


When does remote learning start? Remote learning will begin on April 6. Attendance will be

taken each day through TeacherEase and via teacher log. Students should reach out to their

teachers if they have not received communication from the teacher.

How will attendance be taken? Students can sign up that they are in attendance on Teacher

Ease at www.teacherease.com . They should sign into their accounts and a message will pop up

for them to check in. After they have checked in, they will be presented with a clear message

indicating they are in attendance. Teachers should also track conversations and other

communications with students and log their attendance.

How will grades be determined? Remote learning will be different. We should approach this

as an opportunity for a different style of learning . The focus of the schoolwork should be on

learning and not compliance. Remote learning should not have an adverse impact on student

grades. Grades for the 4th quarter will be reported on a pass/incomplete basis. Semester

grades will be determined by averaging the 3rd and 4th quarter.

It is the recommendation of the administration that students strive to complete all

assignments to ensure progress is made during remote learning.

What if my student has an IEP? IEPs will remain in place and should direct students’ remote

learning. Meetings will still be held as scheduled although they will occur remotely.

When will my teacher be available if I have questions? Teachers will be available from 8

a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday. You can contact the teacher through email.

Administrators will be available from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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