Laverstock 173

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View from the Chair—Andy Birkett

Happy New Year to all in our Parish and I hope you managed

to have a restful and enjoyable Christmas and New

Year with friends and family. That is not always the case

but communities are important in providing and supporting

groups who help those who may be lonely at this time of

year. This bimonthly newsletter and the Parish Council’s website carry details

of the many groups providing opportunities to meet and enjoy social activities.

Please remember those who are vulnerable at this time of year and look out

for unexpected absences.

Despite the time of year, the developments in our communities go on at pace.

The Castle Hill Country Park and its associated play parks are developing well;

there is an update on that project in this newsletter including the memorial

woodland that was started on the 100th anniversary of the Armistice on 11

November. The Longhedge development continues to grow and we try and

ensure all new arrivals receive a welcome pack including the latest copy of our

Newsletter, but please let us know if any new arrival has been missed. The

playparks are being built and we hope to take ownership of and develop the

Community Open Space on the Northern boundary in the next few months.

There is an active Residents’ Association for Old Sarum and Longhedge. It is

an excellent way to meet some of your fellow residents and get the latest information.

However, for it to remain active, it does need support and to keep

this key group running they need volunteers to help with the chairing and administration.

More details on page 29.

Finally, two planning matters to highlight. Please read the report on our submission

to the Boundary Commission on their consultation about Wiltshire

Council Wards; and the Public Enquiry on the Old Sarum Planning Airfield Application

Appeal will have concluded with its extra days on 18th and 19th December,

after this newsletter went to print. Please visit the Parish Council’s

website for the latest news from that.

I wish you all a fruitful New Year.

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 5

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