Reach Out and Read

A philanthropic proposal prepared exclusively for Altabank

A philanthropic proposal prepared exclusively for Altabank


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Reach out…and read

Suddenly, it’s easier to see why your pediatrician

might “prescribe” reading for your child. And

that’s just what Intermountain’s clinicians do,

through our Reach Out and Read program.

At each routine well-child visit through age five,

pediatricians give their young patients an ageappropriate

book. They also demonstrate for

parents how to read to their children, modeling

the importance of regular, nurturing reading

sessions together.

The program is led by Dr. Neal Davis, medical

director of Pediatrics. He explains, “Kids thrive

on routine. If we can jump-start their habit of

reading, the benefits will be lifelong. This might

not sound like healthcare, but it’s just one of

the many ways that Intermountain is getting

upstream to influence health and

solve problems before they start, to

engage people in their own health and wellbeing.

To us, ‘health’ is a little word with

a much bigger meaning.”

Dr. Davis’s books certainly did the trick for

brothers La’Mont and Carter, according to their

mom, Ebony Jiminez. “Before, La’Mont wouldn’t

necessarily care to pick up a book at home. Now

we have a bookshelf full of them. He’s boosted

his reading skill levels and passed his end-of-year

reading test with flying colors, compared to the

beginning of the year when he was reading at

kindergarten level. Now it’s him and Carter every

night, with two different books of their own. I’m

a proud and lucky mom.”

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