Digital magazine for April 2020

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There is a wonderful story of a tightrope walker, who was challenged to walk the

tightrope across Niagara Falls. Everything was in place. There were huge steel

struts on either side of the canyon to hold the rope and a strong, steel tightrope.

There were television cameras, reporters and a massive crowd, but there was no

safety net.

The tightrope walker appeared with a wheelbarrow, which he decided to push in

front of him across the rope. The crowd cheered him on, although some begged him

not to make this foolish attempt. One voice in the crowd was more vociferous than

the rest: “Go on you can do it, I know you can. Don’t listen to those pessimists.

I have complete faith in you.”

The tightrope walker turned to the speaker.” You have faith in me? You’re certain?

You know I can do it?” The speaker emerged from the crowd and nodded. “I am

absolutely certain, I have no doubt at all. You can do it. “

“OK” said the tightrope walker. “Hop into my wheelbarrow, I’ll wheel you across !“

Amazingly the speaker put his money where his mouth was and climbed into the

wheelbarrow, and the tightrope walker wheeled him safely across to the other side. What incredible,

courageous, foolhardy faith!

There seems to be a difference between faith and belief. Faith involves belief, but is more than that. Faith

involves putting belief into action. Faith means both believing and acting on that belief.

At this time of writing we have just started the season of Lent. This is a time for Christians to examine

their faith, to reflect on their lives, to look towards the light of Easter and the Cross.

Jesus called his first disciples from their employment as fishermen to be fishers of men. Just as he called

the first disciples, so does Jesus call us. He calls us not only to follow him, but to become fishers of

people for him. It is a challenging thing to do, in effect it is getting into the wheelbarrow for Jesus.

Jim Pettifer, Licensed Lay Minister

Other news

Team quick to respond

Golden Cap Team Rector, the Rev. Chris Martin, responded quickly to

the challenge of finding different ways to reach out to local

communities while traditional public worship is unable to take place.

Within two days of church services being suspended, the Golden Cap

Team, with technical support from Max Trafford, had set up its own

YouTube channel called ‘Golden Cap Team of Churches’ where it is

planned to regularly include videos produced by the clergy team.

This will enable Chris to produce videos of the remainder of the Lent Courses which otherwise would

have had to be cancelled. Also, the Rev. John Eade immediately produced a video of an address for

Mothering Sunday.

Pancake party—Lyme Regis Church Hall

We had a great time with the Get Together Club on Shrove

Tuesday at the Church Hall making and tossing between 50

and 60 pancakes. £145 was raised by donations and a raffle.

The money was divided between the church and Get

Together Club. A big thank you to all the helpers.

Shirley Williams

Young Farmers help out in Marshwood Vale

Marshwood Vale Young Farmers Club is offering help with shopping for

people having to self-isolate. They can be contacted on 08901-336382

and members will volunteer to provide doorstep delivery.

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