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How Not to Throw a Coronation W39

to seal this coronation and get his mother and Agatha inside.

“Yes—uh—of course,” the chaplain stammered, his eyes

darting to Guinevere and the knight as he fumbled a faded

parchment card from his robes. “Uh, hear ye, hear ye. As all

prior kings, King Arthur Pendragon conceived this test to

prove his successor be worthy of—”

Tedros ripped the card from his hands and read it out loud,

his voice booming through the magic star:

“To seal his coronation, the future King of Camelot must pull

Excalibur from an ordinary stone, as I once did.”

“Wow. That’s easy,” he blurted, voice echoing.

He hadn’t meant for the crowd to hear that.


puffed, glancing uselessly around the stage.

Lancelot shifted in his chair, which made the stage creak so

loudly the audience’s eyes went to him.

“Preferably one that isn’t made out of wood,” the knight


A ruckus echoed behind him and everyone turned to see

the red-haired altar boy careen through the fallen scrim onto

the stage, having tripped on Guinevere’s shoe. “Sorry! That’s

my cue!” he squawked, dragging an iron anvil behind him.

“Behold! The stone from which King Arthur once pulled


The heavy anvil splintered the wooden platform. The

edge of the stage imploded and the anvil plummeted straight

through the hole like a cannonball, down to a cliff, where it

bounced off the rock and fell into the ocean.

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