Transmoto Issue 58 ISSUU

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Series Support

When Dirt Bike Promotions

stepped down at the end of the

2009 season, after promoting

the AORC for five years, there

was genuine concern for the

future of the national series.

And to be honest, the notion that

the AORC could successfully

piggyback on a handful of

state rounds – overseen by a

caretaker series coordinator –

sounded a bit fanciful. But here

we are, seven seasons later,

and the Yamaha Australian

Off-Road Championship is

more robust than ever. Thanks

to the cooperation of MA’s

State Controlling Bodies and

their Enduro Committees, 12

rounds were staged across four

states in 2016. Commercially,

the AORC hasn’t lured private

promoters back into the fray,

but both Motorcycling Australia

and Yamaha have tipped enough

into the AORC’s coffers to

underwrite its future, during

which time Australia has evolved

from international mid-packers

to one of the enduro world’s

powerhouse nations. The AORC

has now spawned riders who’ve

gone on to win Enduro World

Championships and the Dakar

Rally, and the Holy Grail of

enduro: the ISDE.

And so it was very encouraging

to see MA ratchet up its

investment into the AORC

this year – by way of an MAappointed

series coordinator

and publicist, a rider liaison

to ensure consistency with

the courses, and RaceSafe

medical support. All of which

highlighted the fact that the

AORC’s series coordinator

up until 2016, Denise Hore,

juggled those roles herself on

a tighter budget. And for that,

the entire off-road fraternity

owes Denise a huge debt of

gratitude. Without MA, Yamaha,

Denise and her core group of

helpers, the opportunities that

Aussies riders are now enjoying

on the world stage would never

have materialised.


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