The Sky HIgh Hermitary Design and Process Book

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I created a fictional Buddhist nun's home based on a mountain inspired by Huashan a

mountain found in the Shaanxi province, one of the five great mountains found in

China, this one with great religious significance. This Buddhist hermit is one of many

hidden hermits in our world. I wanted to show people that these people still exist.

Hermits used to be of a great importance in ancient China, but today some believe

they no longer exist, until American Journalist Bill Porter, also known as Red Pine,

proved they are still in the mountains.

I wanted to broaden the knowledge about hermits from the East to the West, about

people who both preserve culture and forge a change in our word, a commitment only

the most brave and the strong minded can endure.

In this project I created a diorama of a hermits home on a mountain A Buddhist nun.

She lives a very routined life, awake at 3 a.m, meditation for 3 hours, 6 a.m, some tea

and tsampa (breakfast), 8 a.m another 3 hour meditation session, a lunch and a break

at 11 a.m, come 3 p.m another 3 hours of meditation, 6 p.m tea time, 7 p.m a further 3

hours of meditation, 10 p.m its back to her meditation box, in their lotus position.


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