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Thursday, July 2 - 8, 2020 • www.TnTribune.com


Freedom is Not Free


by Pastor

Howard E. Jones. Jr.

While we embark

upon this Independence

Day holiday, we must remember

there is more to

it than enjoying cookouts,

delicious food, and outings

with family and friends.

This marks the day on July

4, 1776, that the United

States of America proclaimed

its independence

from England by signing

the Declaration of Independence.


Day is considered by many

as the most patriotic and

enthusiastically celebrated

of all America’s holidays.

There are usually parades,

barbeques, picnics and

fireworks throughout the

country. COVID-19 has

changed the recreation

spectrum of the holiday.

The lines in the Declaration

of Independence

that are most familiar to

contemporary Americans

are these: “We hold these

truths to be self-evident,

that all men are created

equal, that they are endowed

by their Creator

with certain unalienable

rights, that among these

are Life, Liberty and the

Pursuit of Happiness.”

These stirring words were

designed to convince

Americans to put their

lives on the line for the

cause. Separation from the

mother country of England

threatened their sense of

security, economic stability,

and identity. The Declaration

of Independence

sought to inspire and unite

them through the vision of

a better life.

Now, in 2020, more

than 244 years since the

United States declared its

independence, I ask, whose

independence? European

Americans rebelling

against the English took

the land from the Native

Americans, then brought

Africans to this country to

make them slaves. Neither

Blacks nor women could

participate in developing

policies for this nation.

Therefore, while Europeans

fled from England for

their freedom, Blacks who

were brought to this country

against their will are

still fighting for freedom to

this day. We have paid the

cost for freedom with our

very lives.

Here are just a few

contemporaries who have

had their lives and freedom

stolen, Daniel Hambrick,

Jocques Clemmons,

George Floyd, Breonna

Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery,

and Rayshard Brooks,

Martin Luther King Jr.,

Medgar Evers, and William

Barbee paid the ultimate

cost, as well. We have

had to fight for the right to

be considered human beings,

the right to own property,

the right to vote, and

most importantly, the right

to be respected. While

there are currently protests

in the streets to demand respect

for Blacks, as well as

an all-out effort to remove

statues that showcase the

days of Jim Crow and

staunch segregation, none

of this is new to Americans

fighting for freedom.

When the early Americans

were fighting for their

freedom from England, after

a public reading of the

Declaration of Independence

at Bowling Green,

on July 9, 1776, New Yorkers

pulled down the statue

of King George III. Parts

of the statue were reportedly

melted down and

used for bullets. Were they

called looters and thugs, or

men of valor fighting for


Freedom is not free…

we all have to pay a price.

What price are you willing

to pay?

Howard E. Jones serves

as the Senior Pastor of

Fairfield M.B. Church

in Goodlettsville and is

an assistant principal at

Strafford High School

in the MNPS system.

He conducts the Lifting

the Lid Leadership Call,

weekday mornings at 6

a.m. 712-775-8972 Ext.


Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor;

As I shared a few weeks ago, we stand

strongly with our brothers and sisters from

the Black community. Recently someone

vandalized our sign Sunday morning at

5:17 am, when a person stopped their SUV

and approached our sign to rearrange our

Black Lives Matter message and change

it to ‘All’ Lives Matter on one side (after

borrowing letters from the other side). We

have a surveillance video which caught

the person responsible for this act.

A week ago, our friends from the Jewish

community had a swastika sign and

vandalism in their holocaust memorial

- very shameful, and it evokes one of the

darkest history on our planet of the atrocities

against Jews. Our Jewish brothers and

sisters should not have to live with fear nor

be reminded about the hatred that still exists.

As we work to combat hate, yesterday

a very hateful and horrific ad was posted

in the Tennessean (claiming that Muslims

are going to detonate a nuclear device in

Nashville on July 18th). This has made

our community fearful of the backlash

that occurs when lies and misinformation

are spread towards our community (e.g., a

mosque in Columbia, TN was burnt to the

ground and quite a number of other acts of

vandalism, bullying, etc, which our community

members are subjected to). We are

presently in discussions with leaders from

the Tennessean, which has deeply apologized

for this egregious error and have

conducted an internal investigation as to

how the ad, which violates their policies,

was allowed to be published.


Rashed Fakhruddin,

Islamic Center of Nashville

Director of Community Partnerships

Harris is Best VP Pick

By Rosetta Miller Perry

Seldom has the choice

of a Vice-Presidential

candidate been more important

than this time for

Democratic Presidential

candidate/former Vice

President Joseph Biden.

He needs a choice who is

not only dynamic and extremely

competent, but one

capable of exciting the elements

of the party’s base

that did not come out and

vote in full force in 2016.

Minority voters, especially

Blacks, as well as young

people and progressives,

never warmed to Hillary

Clinton in the manner

they had twice for Barack

Obama. The results delivered

an unqualified and

embarrassing buffoon who

didn’t even want to win,

but ended up in the White

House, despite losing the

popular vote. In several key

states, just enough voters

from the previous coalition

that had carried Obama to

two victories either stayed

home or had their votes

widely suppressed.

As a result we have a

man in office whose lack

of integrity, crooked moral

compass and competence

is the lowest in history,

much worse than Richard

Nixon who was successfully

impeached. Trump

has now decided to emulate

the campaign tactics

of not Nixon but George

Wallace. He openly embraces

and encourages racist

language, sometimes in

coded form when he talks

about his ideas of “law and

order,” other times directly

as when he retweeted a

scene in which the chant

“white power” can be

loudly and clearly heard.

When numerous people in

both parties objected to that

particular tweet, Trump’s

response was to first delete

it, then later claim he hadn’t

heard the chant. The fact

that it happened in the first

eight seconds of the video

didn’t mean anything to

Trump, who consistently

tells so many lies on a daily

basis he can’t keep them all

straight. He also has called

people protesting against

police misconduct and systemic

racism “thugs.”

Joe Biden, left, and Kamela Harris


FEATED in November,

and that’s why Biden’s VP

choice must be someone

with the ideal combination

of experience, political savviness

and charisma. There

are numerous highly qualified

Black women who fit

that role, but in our view the

most qualified candidate

would be current California

Senator Kamala Harris.

Before winning election to

the Senate in 2017, Harris

was the District Attorney

of San Francisco for seven

years, and then a two-time

state attorney general until

2016. She’s an HBCU

graduate (Howard University)

and her long track

record of public service

shows that she has plenty

of experience as well as

distinctive expertise. While

no one ever wants to think

this way, the reality is the

Vice-President is literally

a heartbeat from the

presidency, and Biden’s age

makes it vital that he have

a VP candidate who could

step in at a minute’s notice

and take over. Harris would

have no problem assuming

the nation’s top spot.

There are many out

there who want other choices,

notably Stacy Abrams,

whose narrow loss in the

2018 Georgia gubernatorial

election was due as much

to questionable tactics by

her opponent Brian Kemp.

Abrams spent 10 years in

the Georgia legislature, and

was minority leader from

2011 to 2017. She now concentrates

on fighting voter

suppression, and in February

of 2019 she became

the first Black woman to

deliver a response to the

State of the Union address.

She would unquestionably

be an asset as Biden’s Vice-


But there’s another role

that would serve America

even better, and where she

could stay a lot longer than

four or eight years. A Biden

victory will mean he gets

to name at minimum one

new Supreme Court Justice

and possibly two. That’s a

lifetime position, and at 46

Abrams would be in position

to make critical rulings

that could preserve Affirmative

Action, and finally

balance the toxic presence

of Clarence Thomas on the

bench. Abrams would be a

breath of fresh air and give

the court at least a 5-4 margin

in the opposite direction

from what it usually is


The nation desperately

needs to get rid of Donald

Trump. Period. It’s time

for people to stop spouting

ridiculous rhetoric and

making esoteric demands

on candidates. There are

millions of people who’ve

lost their jobs due to the


pandemic, which is disproportionately


Black communities nationwide.

Something substantive

must be done regarding

police misconduct and brutality,

as well as economic

disparity. The Trump administration

claims to be

more interested in Black

empowerment than its

Democratic rivals, but he

has no qualms about employing

racist language and

getting cozy with hardcore

white racists. Kamala Harris

could help him generate

more excitement and passion

for Biden’s campaign.

This is one that’s too important

to fool around with

when it comes to a vicepresidential

choice. We

believe that Kamala Harris

makes the most sense and

would be the best selection.

Published by Perry and Perry and Associates

President/CEO/ Publisher

Rosetta Miller Perry,

Associate Publisher/Executive Editor

Wanda Miller Benson

Published Weekly by

The Tennessee Tribune Publishing Company

1501 Jefferson Street, Nashville, Tennessee, 37208-3016

Phone: (615) 321-3268 Fax: 615-321-0409

Editorial: tennesseetribunenews@aol.com

Email: sales1501@aol.com Website: www.TnTribune.com


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