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the wagon, hitched the mule, and moved on.

He didn’t have to go far for a fresh start. Dawson, his son, his pregnant

daughter-in-law, and their small son settled in the farming community of

Teachey, a mere twenty-five miles from Holly Shelter. Not long after they

moved in, Rosabell gave birth to a second son, Gene.

In all, Rosabell Hand Jordan bore four children for Medward, and they in

turn would produce a dozen grandchildren who regularly populated the modest

household. In time, the Jordans saved enough through Medward’s work to

purchase a tiny, inexpensive house on Calico Bay Road just outside of Teachey.

It had three small bedrooms and an outhouse, but it was a castle for Dawson

Jordan and his family. It would also serve as the center of a young Michael

Jordan’s world.

Before long, the Jordans purchased additional lots along Calico Bay Road, as

they continued to prosper with Medward’s work and Dawson’s moonshining,

and the area blossomed into a small residential community. The emotional

significance the property held for the family can be gauged by the fact that

decades later the Jordans, despite all of Michael’s wealth, maintained ownership

of the house and leased it out as rental property.

Along with their new prosperity, the most important shift in the lives of

Dawson and his son was the presence of the deeply spiritual Rosabell Jordan.

She shared an abundance of love with all her children and grandchildren—and

even the children her husband fathered in his dalliances around the community.

“Ms. Bell,” as she was often called, seemed to be especially proud of her oldest

son. There was just something different about James Raymond Jordan. He had a

special light and energy. For starters, he was plenty smart. By age ten, he was

driving a tractor to help his father in the field and showing him how to fix it

when it broke down. By the time he was a young man, he had impressed the

entire community with his mechanical abilities and dexterity. Medward was said

to be openly negative toward James, but the boy idolized his grandfather

Dawson. One of James’s traits was the intense concentration he’d reveal by

sticking out his tongue as he focused on a task. According to some in the family,

sticking out the tongue was something James picked up from Dawson.

As he grew from a child into a teen, working alongside his father and

grandfather, James moved easily in both Holly, where he was born, and in

Teachey, where he grew up. “He was kind of quiet,” recalled Maurice Eugene

Jordan, who attended Charity High School in Rose Hill with James. “If he didn’t

know you, he didn’t do a whole lot of woofing.” However, if James knew you,

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