The Cost of a Smile

Canadians are not unfamiliar with dental hygiene, given that just over one-third brush their teeth twice a day, and floss at least once a day. While this is certainly a very important aspect of oral care, a visit to the dentist is also very important.

Canadians are not unfamiliar with dental hygiene, given that just over one-third brush their teeth twice a day, and floss at least once a day. While this is certainly a very important aspect of oral care, a visit to the dentist is also very important.


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Even with the abundance of oral care, due to age,

genetics, or accidents, people find themselves needing to

replace some or all the teeth in their mouth. Whether it is to

be able to eat solid foods or to retain their familiar look,

there are many dental professionals offering their services

to help people with these problems.

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