Inside Nearshoring Online Show Pilot - Interview with Cyril Samovskiy

What is nearshoring, what features and nuances you need to know before starting this type of cooperation - you will learn all this and much more in this interview. Today we are talking with the CEO of IT company Mobilunity, Cyril Samovskiy, about nearshoring, its importance during pandemic, best country to nearshore, and many more. To watch full video version, please, click the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9UtidGmNKc

What is nearshoring, what features and nuances you need to know before starting this type of cooperation - you will learn all this and much more in this interview. Today we are talking with the CEO of IT company Mobilunity, Cyril Samovskiy, about nearshoring, its importance during pandemic, best country to nearshore, and many more.

To watch full video version, please, click the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9UtidGmNKc


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ALFIE: When it comes to your current clientele

and what you've been building, what would you

say is the hardest part about what you do?

What's the most difficult thing about being a

supplier? Because obviously, I would assume

that the hardest thing about being a client is

picking a provider, right? But what's the hardest

thing about being a provider?

CYRIL: I think, and you touched upon this when asking your previous

question, it is a challenge for us as a supplier or a vendor to convince our

clients to listen to us or to trust us. Clients may be coming because their

market is very much limited, or they need to be able to scale up or down very

fast, or they are seeking for specific technology talent that is not as available

to them on the market or else. But the thing is once they come to a vendor,

like ourselves, they have to be hearing and listening to what we advise. We're

never making the decisions on behalf of our clients, but we are very proactive

in our intent to be sharing what we already know. Because otherwise, if we are

not accumulating this experience from previous years of ours and from

knowing hundreds of clients that we have been working with, then what would

be our value that we charge money for. So, there is a good percentage of

clients, who are sure that they need nearshoring services, who are certain

about Ukraine and Mobilunity as a company, but then, when they come to us,

they stop listening to us. They may be doing their own things just because it

fits into their process or things that were common for them in other

destinations like Asia. The thing is that we want to be heard and we are

applying our best effort in our intent to be explaining and proving that our

expertise often is of a big need and value to our clients. This is a challenging

part, maybe even the most complex, if there is a full trust in between the

companies. And that doesn’t mean that we, as a provider, are always right. We

are never telling a client how to act. We are bringing up the knowledge, the

risks, the best practices, the cases we used to have and we provide the

recommendations of the same. The decision will be still on the client, but if

this decision is made with the educated mind, that will probably be the best

way of utilizing our model, our expertise and our service.

ALFIE: When we talk about education, where would you say is a good place to

start learning about nearshoring? Do you have things that you post or

present? Is it some platform? What would you say is the best way to learn

about it?

CYRIL: I can immediately mention that probably one of the most trustworthy

sources for information are peers around every business. We are certain that

in Europe specifically, if you ask your peers about their experience with

nearshoring, I can be giving you a like a 90% guarantee, that most likely there

was somebody, who already has an experience like that. These little stories

may be initially incomplete or they may be something too radical or too

straight. These things, if they are being asked one by one and not otherwise

get involved altogether, may be a little bit confusing, but once you get 3-4

opinions from the peers around you, I'm pretty sure that you would

understand that there are things not worth doing.

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