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Harry Tartt’s Housebound Horoscopes

“With the help of a local woman with pink hair and a nose-piercing I think I’ve

managed to knock out a pretty good horoscope for your delectation. Which is

quite an achievement for a man with no previous expertise in astronomy.”

Aries 21 March -20 April

Many predictions can be infuriating,

like the infamous ‘Beware the ides

of March’. Many historians believe

Caesar had no idea what the Ides of March actually

meant, and was thus fatally unprepared.

It would have been more helpful if the old hag

had said to him, ‘Don’t go out on the 15th of

March because your best mates are going to

stab you to death’ – but prophecy doesn’t work

that way I’m afraid. So all I will say is this:

when the dog’s head is at it’s lowest point be

aware of men bearing false sacrifice.

Taurus 20 April - 21 May

The sign of the bull. As many people

know I was once chased by a bull

whilst accidentally wearing a red

cape on a windy day, so I know how

angry and vengeful you can be. You need to

calm down, and stop forcing innocent pensioners

to leap over stiles.

Cancer 21 June - 23 July

Despite your age you are still

quite handsome (in a rugged

interesting way). However, you

can almost be too charming and that can lead

to you getting in trouble with your various love

interests. But sometimes these love interests

become controlling and insist on knowing

what time you’ll be back from the Social

Club, or how much you’re spending at the

bookies. It’s not fair. It’s not like I’m married

or anything.

Leo 23 July - 23 August

I recall a famous yodeller, who

was also an expert at sword-swallowing.

One ill-fated night he attempted to

combine the two skills. I was one of a coachload

of pensioners who looked on in horror as

he did so just as the coach hit a pot-hole. And

as traumatic as it was, there IS a lesson there

dear Leo’s = focus on one skill at a time.

Libra 23 Sept - 23 Oct

Watch what you eat and maybe

contemplate a diet in August.

Some people have remarked that

you are beginning to look a bit porky.

Scorpio 23 Oct - 22 Nov

Let’s be honest, you have a

tendency to prattle on about your

new decking quite a bit. Now is

the time to take up a new hobby, like hiking, or

meditating. Go on, explore yourself, just preferably

away from other people.

Sagittarius 22 Nov-22 Dec

Well, well, well, August is looking

good for you. But avoid Guildford.

Aquarius 20 Jan - 19 Feb

Aristotle once said ‘It is during our

darkest moments that we must focus

to see the light’. Well, that was easy

for him to say, as he never had cataracts. But

there is a lesson there Aquarius. Avoid dark

cellars, pits and tunnels this August.

Pisces 19 Feb - 21 March

A wise man once told me ‘you

can’t ride two horses at the same

time’. A year later I happened to get talking to a

Ukrainian circus performer, and it transpired that

riding two horses at the same time was precisely

what he did for a living. So I went back to the

wise man to tell him about the Ukrainian twohorse

rider and he became angry and withdrew

into himself. He was a Pisces.

Gemini 21 May - 21 June

The sign of Gemini is represented

by a pair of twins, or 2 faces, depending

on the astronomer. I have

no problem with twins (except for the ones

in that film, The Shining), but two-faces? It’s

a well known fact that most card-sharks and

cat-burglars are Geminis. But it doesn’t have

to be that way. Walk the truth path. And stop

cheating at cards.

Virgo 23 Aug - 23 Sept

A man who’s name begins with

the letter M may try to steal your

front door keys, but the letter P is important

to you when you go on a long journey. The

Moon should have entered Virgo by the time

you read this, but I have no idea what that


Capricorn 22 Dec - 20 Jan

Come on Capricorn, you are

always questioning yourself, or

doubting yourself. Should I do this, should I

do that..? Well stop with all the prevaricating,

get out and socialise, go to the pub more often

(you can afford it). Maybe do something charitable,

like buy a stranger a pint. Whatever you

do though, be sure to be generous, or people

will start to talk.

Harry Tartt

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