HomeMoversPack 2020

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This is one of the most regularly

binned materials that can

actually be put in your recycling

— but make sure it’s washed

thoroughly first.

Plastic food wrapping

Some plastic wrappers can

be recycled at some major

supermarkets, whilst others

can’t. Always check the label.

Empty aerosols

Contrary to popular belief, these

can actually be put in with the

rest of your recycling.

Crisp packets

These tough, shiny packs are a

plastic‐metal hybrid that cannot

go in the recycling.

Wrapping paper

In most cases, it can be recycled

alongside other paper, but if it’s

dyed or contains additives like

glitter, it cannot be recycled. The

same applies to greetings cards.

Switch to brown paper and stick

to simple birthday cards!

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