MEDICRES GMR 2020 Good Biostatistical Practice Conference Brochure

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Regard ng w th the selected subjects for <strong>GMR</strong><strong>2020</strong> , the “research proposals,”<br />

accepted to the oral presentat on n our Congress, w ll be publ shed n our congress<br />

book.<br />

The “Correspondence letters” wr tten by at least three authors to the art cles<br />

publ shed n your f eld up to one year before the date of our Congress, w ll be<br />

publ shed as a full text n our congress book.<br />

Our Congress s mult d sc pl nary and nternat onal; therefore, t s poss ble to attend<br />

sess ons and tra n ng n all f elds w th a s ngle reg strat on fee.<br />

Part c pants may choose to do the r presentat ons n the r mother tongue. We would<br />

be happy f you could complete your reg strat on posthaste. We encourage our<br />

part c pants to become members of Med cReS Club as well.<br />

In th s sc ent f c celebrat on that w ll cont nue for a week for almost 24 hours n<br />

d fferent t me zones, there w ll also be spec al sess ons or Cov d-19 n all cl n cal<br />

sc ences and separately as well. There are many th ngs that th s ep dem c has taught<br />

us. We w ll meet freely w thout the constra nts of t me and place or language by<br />

us ng technology and by sav ng t me too. Everyth ng we do s for good research<br />

We s ncerely w sh to see you n our congress.<br />

Best Regards<br />

Best Regards<br />

Dr. Joseph Levy PhD,<br />

Clal t Research Inst tute, Israel<br />

Med cReS <strong>Good</strong> B ostat st cal <strong>Conference</strong> Cha r<br />

Prof. E. Arzu KANIK, PhD , Med cReS<br />

Med cReS Sc ent f c D rector<br />

&Med cReS Sc ent f c Board<br />

Prof. Ad l SHAMOO, Un vers ty<br />

of Maryland, School of Med c ne, USA<br />

Prof. Dr. Pasquale Perrone F lard , Perrone , Italy<br />

Zub n Master, Ph.D., Assoc ate,USA<br />

Professor of B omed cal Eth cs Mayo Cl n c, USA<br />

Dr. M. Chavez Macgregor,<br />

Un vers ty of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA<br />

Dav d B. Resn k, JD, Ph.D.,<br />

B oeth c st Nat onal Inst tute of Env ronmental Health NIH, USA<br />

N cholas Jewell, London School of Hyg ene and Trop cal Med c ne,UK

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