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Is it fair for Shakespeare to overshadow Cervantes?

it is not fair that Shakespeare eclipse Cervantes, one of whom were two important

characters who left their mark on literary works, etc. They were different writers who

used different forms, but both participated in raising the level of the language and

the culture to which they belonged alike, were very detailed in very insignificant

polemics to form criticisms of the counterparts

Shakespiare and Cervantes have been translated into more than 100 languages, of

which they were considered as the fundamental pillar of the languages they spoke

such as Spanish and English, these great characters made great similarities in two

literary works that were made, such as poetry, satire in comedy.

Their stories show us that all people could achieve anything, if they had the

commitment like Shakespeare and Cervantes. It shows me that the most important

thing is your mind and your dreams, and if you wanted one thing, you would need

to work a lot, with or without help. The two did not go to college, but they are still

the two most successful in the world of literature.

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