7 Classic Spinal Misalignment Symptoms (and What to Do about Them)

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7 Classic Spinal Misalignment

Symptoms (And What To Do About


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We all know that the spine is a critical aspect of the human body. Comprised of 33 intricately connected vertebrae, it

serves as an extension of the Central Nervous System, constantly sending complex messages from the brain to the

rest of the body. Misalignments of the spinal column create a cascading affect, disrupting communication between

systems and hindering the natural function of the body. Individuals may experience a host of misaligned spine

symptoms without realizing that the root cause is in the spine.

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1. Pain disrupts daily life. Back and neck pain, headaches, and perpetually sore muscles may be common, but

they are not “normal.” These are often caused by subluxation, or misalignment, of the spine. When vertebrae are tilted,

turned, or compressed, this often leads to dysfunction of the Central Nervous System (CNS) and can cause a variety of

painful conditions. If back and neck pain disrupts a patient’s daily activities, a spinal misalignment is likely a factor.

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2. Posture appears uneven. In some cases, spinal abnormalities are clearly visible simply by evaluating posture.

If the shoulders or hips are crooked, even when the patient feels that he is standing up straight, this is one of the more

obvious misaligned spine symptoms. Conditions such as Scoliosis (sideways spinal curvature) are more common than

people realize; however, there are a variety of other conditions, such as Lordosis (inward lower back curvature) or

Kyphosis (rounded upper back). All of these can be helped by routine chiropractic care.

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3. Stiffness affects range of motion. Whether an individual types all day at a desk or operates heavy

machinery at a construction site, posture and ergonomics can have a significant impact on spinal health. Over time,

improper body mechanics can cause spinal misalignments. In many cases, this will lead to stiffness of the back and

neck because the bones get used to not moving properly and adhesions (bands of scar tissue) form between

vertebrae. Hindered range of motion generally follows, making simple tasks like bending over challenging and painful. If

stiffness is a regular concern, the patient likely has need of adjustment not only to align the spine, but also to break up

adhesions and improve range of motion.

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4. Movement creates discomfort. Healthy, well-aligned spines are generally stronger and more flexible than

those that are improperly aligned. In the field of chiropractic care, it is extremely common for patients to learn of their

need for adjustment only after attempting a new type of physical activity. Whether they decide to give running a try or

simply attempt a demanding house project, these individuals find that the stress of new activity brings to light the reality

that they have a misaligned spine.

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5. Illness becomes commonplace. While everyone gets sick from time to time, one of the little-known

symptoms of a misaligned spine is frequent illness. This occurs because the disruption of the Central Nervous System

hinders immune function. Without a strong immune system, the body becomes much more susceptible to any and all

infections which are present in the environment.

6. Fatigue hinders performance. Individuals with a misaligned spine may suffer from excessive fatigue, even

when they are technically rested and healthy. The simple answer for why this happens is that an unbalanced spine

drains energy. If a patient gets plenty of regular sleep but still feels exhausted or unable to perform daily tasks, it is

possible that spinal misalignment is a contributing factor. For these patients, chiropractic care can have a profound

affect on their overall sense of wellbeing, offering increased energy and an improved outlook.

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10. “Cracking” feels necessary. When misalignment exists within the body, an individual may feel the need

to regularly crack his back, neck, fingers, etc.

This will result in a temporary feeling of relief; however, it does nothing to correct the underlying misalignment. In

fact, cracking his own joints or spine can actually cause a patient further harm, making chiropractic care even

more necessary.

The good news is that for patients who experience symptoms of spinal misalignment, there are a number of

effective and non-invasive treatment options available. Physical Healthcare of Jacksonville specializes in Atlas

Orthogonal Chiropractic care, physical therapy, spinal decompression, and a variety of other trusted treatment

options which are designed to gently and naturally address spinal misalignment.

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