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Summary: In New Testament biblical times, Nazareth was a small village on a ridge which

overlooked the Jezreel Valley. Today, the city is a bustling mostly-Arab city and is sometimes

called the “Arab capital of Israel”. The name comes from the Hebrew word for branch (netzer).

Nazareth was the boyhood hometown of Jesus. The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary when

she was living in Nazareth and announced to her that she would be the mother of the

messiah - of Jesus. After Joseph and Mary left Jerusalem for the census required by the

Roman empire and after fleeing to Egypt, they returned to Nazareth and settled there. At the

beginning of his ministry, Jesus first taught in the Nazareth synagogue. After the people

rejected His message, they tried to kill him (see above, Mt. Precipice).

Readings: Luke 1:26-33, Luke 2:1-7, Matthew 2:21-23, Luke 2:41-52, Luke 4:16-30

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