The Global War on Anarchism

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328 : diplomatic history

agreements with European governments. Second, because the United States

lacked such an institution, the Immigration Bureau assumed those duties, giving

immigration inspectors law enforcement powers to patrol the border and ports of

entry. 144

Also at this time, the Senate played an important role in checking presidential

powers and influencing diplomatic relations. As with arbitration treaties and the

creation of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, the activist and internationalist

Roosevelt administration faced considerable opposition to any agreement that

threatened the Senate’s privileged position to ratify treaties or jeopardized its legislative

purview. 145 In short, the configuration of U.S. governmental institutions—the

limits on federal authority, the small size of the executive branch, and

the power of the Senate—all influenced the policy options that the Roosevelt

administration had in combating terrorism.


The history of anarchist terrorism brings to light the intimate relationships between

terrorism and publicity, unilateral versus multilateral action, counter-terrorism

and immigration law, and anti-terrorism legislation and domestic politics.

Governmental campaigns against anarchism depended on perceptions of threat

and the frequency and proximity of terrorist attacks. Government structure also

played a role, as domestic political culture and representative bodies in the United

Kingdom and the United States limited international cooperation but opened the

door for internal surveillance programs and stricter immigration laws. 146

At the same time, continental European governments negotiated a number of

multilateral treaties against anarchism. European policy makers viewed anarchist

terrorism as a transnational threat that necessitated a European-wide security

system, which officials initiated in 1898 with the International Conference at

Rome for the Social Defense Against Anarchists. Following these multilateral

talks, European delegates adopted a final protocol that attempted to synchronize

national laws and police networks for the purpose of monitoring, arresting, and

prosecuting anarchist terrorists.

While U.S. policy makers did not participate in the Rome conference, the

growing global media, epitomized by the advent of mass-circulation newspapers,

144. Preston,Aliens and Dissenters, 18–19. Preston writes that “In the years before World

War I, Immigration Bureau customs became steadily more repugnant to normal judicial procedures

and to commonsense notions of fair play. There was neither mystery nor conspiracy behind

this trend. It was the natural growth of an administrative technique unrestrained by publicity or

opposition.” Lucy E. Salyer, Laws Harsh as Tigers: Chinese Immigrants and the Shaping of Modern

Immigration Law (Chapel Hill, NC, 1995), xiv.

145. David S. Patterson, Towards a Warless World: The Travail of the American Peace Movement

1887-1914 (Bloomington, IN, 1976), 128; WarrenF.Kuehl,Seeking World Order: The United

States and International Organization to 1920 (Nashville, TN, 1969), 113–15, 138–39.

146. In the United Kingdom, Parliament enacted restrictive immigration legislation for the

first time with the Aliens Act of 1905.

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