2019 Annual Report (5)

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LITTLE SISTERS FUND | littlesistersfund.org

The mission and vision of Little Sisters Fund is focused on addressing education, poverty, human trafficking and female

empowerment. Little Sisters Fund is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that helps Nepalese girls to become empowered

leaders through education, mentoring and community support. Their model is focused on scholarships (individual

sponsorships, school scholarships, locally supported scholarships). Long-term scholarships protect economically

disadvantaged girls from child trafficking, child marriage and child labor.

Prior to her role with the Fund, co-founder Usha Acharya led Nepalese in-country efforts as a Senior Program Officer for

Save the Children (UK) on topics including education, marginalized children, discrimination against women, and HIV/AIDS

awareness. She also served as Program Officer for The Asia Foundation in Nepal, focusing on Nepalese societal

well-being. Usha earned a Masters of Arts in Economics from Delhi University in Delhi, India, and a Masters of Philosophy

from Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi, India. Usha has published two books, Primary Education in Nepal: Policy,

Problems and Prospects (2002) and Girls Trafficking and Child Labor in Nepal (2011).

?We believe in the 25/27 Rule. We do not date until the age of 25, and no babies until we are 27! We focus on our

studies?- Little Sister

About 25% of the population in Nepal lives on less than $1.25 per day. Furthermore, 10,000-15,000 girls are trafficked

each year in Nepal, meaning that 30% of girls are engaged in child labor. Little Sisters Fund serves in 20 districts of Nepal

to provide education and opportunity to girls. Consequently, scholarship programs ensure girls?safety by through access

to education, but access alone is rarely enough to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty. Comprehensive supporting

programs create an environment that nourishes empowerment, independence and leadership.

Little Sisters Fund strives for a holistic support in the following areas:

- Primary Education Training

- Mobile Libraries (provides girls in remote areas access to books)

- School Coordinators (young female leaders who have graduated from programs serve as role models)

- Counseling and Awareness Raising (educates parents, teachers, community about education and rights)

- Little Daughters Saving Fund (microfinance program)

- Preventative Healthcare

Since its establishment, 2113 little sisters have obtained an education. These little sisters pass the School Leaving

Certificate at a rate of 98% (nationally, the pass rate is consistently around 45%). 98% of Little Sisters continue in the

program and with their studies every year. In comparison, only 56% of poor rural girls complete primary school. In 2009,

Little Sisters Fund was awarded the Unsung Heroes of Compassion Award from the Dalai Lama.

Little Sisters Fund partners with more than 70 schools in 19 districts in Nepal. Additional partners include the Nepal

Women Community Service Center and WED Investing in Women Leading Change. Their Annual Budget is approximately

$650,000 per year raised predominantly in the United States.



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