St. Conleth's College 75 Year Quinquennial 2014

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St. Conleth's College

1939 - 2014

In addition to the normal course of studies, opportunities

are provided for the cultivation and development of talents

for Music, Elocution, Drawing, Painting, Woodwork, etc.

A fundamental principle in the College is that the number

of pupils in each Form should be kept low. Individual

attention for each boy is thus assured.

The Masters are graduates of the National University of

Ireland, and have several years’ teaching experience. Each

Master is a specialist in his subject.

Religion : Before acceptance into the Lower School, boys

are expected to have made their First Holy Communion.

Having reached a suitable age they are prepared for Confirmation.

Catechism and Bible History are carefully

taught, as also the Serving of Mass. In the Upper School all

boys follow the course prescribed by the Ecclesiastical

Authorities. They study during the courses : The Gospels,

Apologetics, Church History, Liturgy.

Boys of both Schools are examined each year, either orally

or in writing, by the Diocesan Examiners. A three day

retreat is given in the College at the beginning of Michaelmas

Term. On Saturday the boys visit the Parish Church

for the purpose of going to Confession.

Discipline : The Headmaster reserves the right to dismiss

from the College any boy whom he considers may exercise

a harmful influence on others, or who is guilty of persistent

idleness, ungentlemanly conduct or insubordination.

Study : The work of the College either in matters disciplinary

or Academic cannot efficiently be carried out without

the intelligent and sustained co-operation of parents. This

co-operation is especially sought in regard to homework.

Parents should see that ample time – two to three hours in

the case of Senior boys – is devoted, under favourable conditions,

to this private study.

A study period is allocated in the Lower School each afternoon

for Juniors, under the supervision of a Master.

Excuses : If a boy is absent even for a day, or has not completed

his homework, or arrives late, he must bring a

written excuse signed by parent or Guardian.

Reports : These are sent to Parents at the end of Michaelmas,

Hilary and Trinity Terms. They contain the results

of the Term examinations, together with reports on

behaviour and general progress.

Merit cards are awarded fortnightly to each boy. They are

graded A, B, C and parents can co-operate by suitably

rewarding the boy when he gains an A-card.

Debating Society : There is a flourishing Debating Society

in the College. All boys are expected to be present at the

meetings and are encouraged to speak. A valuable silver

cup is awarded annually to the outstanding Speaker of the

year. This Society also arranges for lectures, either by the

students themselves or by outsiders, during the year.

Library : Two libraries, Junior and Senior, are provided and

each boy is encouraged to make frequent use of the books.

Physical Culture : A regular course of physical exercises,

forms part of the ordinary curriculum. Sokol Drill,

Gymnastics, Boxing, Fencing, Riding, are taught by Qualified


Games : Rugby, Tennis, Cricket, Basketball are catered

for and are under the direction of a Sportsmaster. The

College is affiliated with the various controlling bodies in

these sports.


9.30 - 1.00 … Class

1.00 - 2.00 … Lunch (Interval)

2.00 - 3.30 … Class (Senior Forms)

3.30 - 5.00 … Games, etc.

It will be noted that the order of times enables all to have

a hot meal in the middle of the day, which is considered so

essential for growing boys. Hot lunch is provided at the

college for those who live at a distance. Light refection –

milk and/or fruit – is served at 11 o’clock.

Interviews : To ensure the harmonious working of the

College, interviews with parents during the term are cordially

welcomed by the Headmaster. His hours for such

interviews are from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm each day; at

other hours by appointment.

Terms and Fees : There are three terms in the year.

The fees are payable terminally in advance and should be

remitted without delay on receipt of memorandum.

Tuitions :

Boys under twelve … £12. 12. 0d per term

Boys over twelve … £15 15. 0d per term

(N.B. Pupils of the Fifth Form and over are reckoned as “Over Twelve“)

Extras :

Games, Drill, Elocution … 10/- each per Term

Boxing … 10/- per Term

Drawing … 10/- per Term

Fencing … 15/- per Term

Painting … 15/- per Term

Riding … £2.2.0. per Term

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