NSUK Office Opening Pack v1 (18.09.20)

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Return to work guidance

Hygiene precautions


Disposable masks have been made available in the reception area

should you not have your own. Whilst they are currently not mandatory

by law in the workplace, our office policy will require use of masks when

you are away from your desk. A dedicated no touch bin will be located in

reception for the disposal of PPE. Gloves will not be provided as they are

proven to discourage regular handwashing.


Prior to re-opening the office has been deep cleaned and our cleaners will

be returning 5 days a week. We ask that you ensure your desk is wiped

down at the end of each day and before you start each day with the

antibacterial wipes provided to help the cleaners with their daily tasks. In

the common parts, the cleaning staff for cloisters are cleaning touchpoints,

showers and toilets every 45 minutes.

Hygiene resources in the office

Hand sanitiser and anti-bacterial wipes will be located at every desk pod,

in both kitchens, the booths, meeting rooms and by the printer. Dispensers

are also located in all common parts of the building.


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