NSUK Office Opening Pack

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Return to work guidance

Your guide

office re-opening

Return to work guidance

This document outlines the necessary information regarding our office reopening,


• Covid-19 symptoms and what to do if you feel ill

• Office access/booking system

• Office social distancing measures

• Office hygiene rules

• Guidance on

• Where to sit

• Visitors/clients

• Office hours

• Housekeeping reminders

• Deliveries and services

• Foreign travel guidance

As always, we are here to answer any questions you may have. If anything remains

unclear or if there are specific aspects you would like to discuss please do not hesitate to

contact Simon or James.


Return to work guidance

What should I do if I feel ill or

have any symptoms?

The symptoms

The main symptoms of coronavirus are:

High temperature

This means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to

measure your temperature)

New, continuous cough

This means coughing for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in

24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)

Loss or change to your sense of smell or taste

This means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or

taste different to normal

Most people with coronavirus have at least one of these symptoms.

What should I do?

• Call 111 for advice, do not go to your GP or local hospital until you have

discussed with 111

• Follow guidance on testing

• Do not come to the office

• Inform your line manager and James

• Self-isolate for 14 days

• Read here for more information on how to self-isolate effectively


Return to work guidance

Office access/booking system

The office will be open and operational from:

Monday 21 st September.

As communicated, you are not required to be working from the office full-time.

Home working still remains; however, we are keen to provide you with the option

of using the office should you require it. Capacity in the office will be restricted,

therefore access and usage will be managed by James.

The process for requesting use of the office is as follows:

• Plan ahead as best you can

• Contact James with the days you would like to go into the office – if you are

planning on meeting as a team please specify all persons

• Please provide information as to why you require the office – this will allow us to

prioritise if/when capacity levels are reached

A calendar for office availability will be available on the s:drive for your reference

showing who is in/when. This will be updated by James and will allow you to see

how office capacity is already looking on any given day you might be planning to

come in.

Keeping the office open and operational will require everybody to follow the

guidance and rules outlined in this document and for us all to use our common

sense in terms of maintaining social distancing and hygiene.

Reminder: at this present time you are not bound to use the office. We would

encourage you to use the office for your benefit/the benefit of the projects you are

working on. Whilst we have all coped exceptionally well working from home, as we

are getting busier with new projects, requests to access the office are increasing –

be that for team meetings/catch ups, supporting fieldwork (e.g. watching focus

groups), better internet, a quiet space to think.


Return to work guidance

Social distancing

Capacity management

We will not have more than 6 people in the office at any one time to start off with.


Please use the west wing to enter and the east wing to exit. The route in an out

of the office is touch free so please bring your access card, codes no longer work

on the doors. Speak to James if you have lost yours.


You will be asked to sit at a maximum of 1 person per pod and restrictions on

numbers will apply when using meeting rooms, booths and the kitchen/breakout


Meeting rooms

The large meeting room capacity will be capped at 3 people and the small meeting

rooms will be in use for only one person at a time. When you have finished in these

rooms, ensure you wipe down surfaces and door handles.

Keep your distance

Always observe a 2m distance rule. Do not shake hands, hug, high five or

otherwise make physical contact with each other. You will see tape on the floor

and on the black board near reception that indicates 2m distancing.


Group training sessions or meetups should be conducted via Microsoft teams

from desks or ensuring a 2m distance between each person is observed.

Lifts and toilets

We ask that 1 person at a time uses the elevator and washrooms. Please knock on

the door of the toilets when they are in use to stop someone accidently coming

into the washroom.


Return to work guidance

Hygiene precautions


Disposable masks have been made available in the reception area

should you not have your own. Whilst they are currently not mandatory

by law in the workplace, our office policy will require use of masks when

you are away from your desk. A dedicated no touch bin will be located in

reception for the disposal of PPE. Gloves will not be provided as they are

proven to discourage regular handwashing.


Prior to re-opening the office has been deep cleaned and our cleaners will

be returning 5 days a week. We ask that you ensure your desk is wiped

down at the end of each day and before you start each day with the

antibacterial wipes provided to help the cleaners with their daily tasks. In

the common parts, the cleaning staff for cloisters are cleaning touchpoints,

showers and toilets every 45 minutes.

Hygiene resources in the office

Hand sanitiser and anti-bacterial wipes will be located at every desk pod,

in both kitchens, the booths, meeting rooms and by the printer. Dispensers

are also located in all common parts of the building.


Return to work guidance

Hygiene precautions


Windows should be kept open as much as possible to ensure clean air ventilation.

The air conditioning units will remain out of use unless we decide it necessary.

When in the office, please open the windows when you arrive and close them

before you leave.


These are open and accessible. As mentioned, the cleaning staff for cloisters are

cleaning touchpoints in the common parts, showers and toilets every 45 minutes.

Use of kitchenware

Please use your common sense and respect your colleagues.

Only use one cup, glass, plate/bowl and set of cutlery a day and make sure that

you put any items you use into the dishwasher when you are finished with them**.

This will be monitored to ensure safe usage/hygiene. If we consider these rules

are not being followed, the result will be that all kitchenware will be removed


**Prior to this world pandemic, as a team, we did not cover ourselves in glory when

it came to using the dishwasher properly. Please consider there is a 1-strike policy

at this point – i.e. one plate left out = no plates for anyone! You have been warned.


Return to work guidance



Until such time the office frequency of use justifies it, milk will not be

provided. Please make provision to bring your own milk at your own

expense should you require it and take it way with you each day.


You are free to use the fridge, however, please remove items on a daily

basis. This will be monitored and any items found left in the fridge will

be removed and disposed.

Water coolers

Our reusable water coolers will be out of use. You are free to access

drinking water from the kitchen tap, or bring your own liquid refreshments

with you to the office.

Shared consumables

For the time being we will not be providing any shared food or drink. The

fruit bowl will remain out of play and we will not be arranging any shared

lunches. Whilst you are free to dispose of rubbish/wrappers in the bins

provided, this will be monitored in order to ensure the office is kept clean

and tidy. If in doubt please take your rubbish away with you and leave no



Return to work guidance

Seating/your desk


Clean desk policy

In order to assist the cleaners with their task of sanitizing each phone and

other touchpoints each night, we will move to a clean desk policy for the

reopening of the office. All items should be removed from your desk at the

end of each day. Your desk has been cleared prior to the office re-opening

– these items can be found in your drawers/box beside your desk.


Social distancing is a priority

We ask that you try and sit at your own desk but if there is someone else

from your pod in at the same time/day as you, one of you should move to

a different pod. Please use common sense when using the office and use a

desk that is away from other people when necessary.


Hot desking

Whilst your desk remains “your desk” please treat it as if we are in a hot

desking scenario whereby other people may be required to use your desk

on future days to enable safe social distancing. Ensure you wipe down any

phones, keyboards or other touchpoints at any desk you sit at – both at the

start and end of the day.


Return to work guidance



Safety first

The safest scenario at the present time is to avoid non-essential face-toface

appointments, client meetings, and convert to virtual/video

appointments where ever possible.


Check before confirming

If direct client/supplier contact is essential and is deemed necessary,

please contact your manager/James in advance to discuss.


Visitor guidance

All visitors will need to be sent a ‘visitor guide’ prior to visiting our office.

This will be supplied by James and will include a summary of Northstar’s

office policies and instructions on use of PPE. No external visits should be

arranged without James’ prior knowledge/confirmation.


Return to work guidance


details & specifics

Return to work guidance

Office hours & booking system

Office hours

As much as possible we need to ensure that working hours in the office do not

disrupt the cleaners. Therefore we ask that you limit office hours from 9-6 Mon-Fri

where possible. If you know ahead of time you will be working late (e.g. watching

focus groups) please let James know in advance.

Booking system

You must contact James before you want to be in the office and try to provide at

least a day’s notice where possible to avoid disappointment. When necessary we

will operate a traffic light system to determine priority in order to manage the

maximum number of people (6) in the office at any one time.


High priority

E.g. “I have online groups and therefore need stable internet and peace

and quiet/I need to sort stimulus”

Medium priority

E.g. “I could really do with some peace and quiet but can do my work from

home if needs be”

Low priority

E.g. “I fancy a change of scenery and would like to be in the office rather

than at home”


Return to work guidance

Office rules

Clean desk policy

Leave no trace

Please clear your desk of all items each day. This is mandatory and

anything left on your desk at the end of each day maybe be removed and

destroyed. Please consider other people may need to use your desk in

order to adhere to safe working/social distancing. Therefore, please keep

your desk clear and use the antibacterial wipes at the beginning and end

of each day (e.g. wiping down your phone, etc.)

Use of PPE in the office

Face masks

Face masks are not required when sitting at / working at your desk. In all

other instances we ask that you wear a face mask within the office, this


• When entering the building/office

• When walking around the office (i.e. when not sat at your desk)

• When using any shared/common areas (e.g. kitchen/breakout area)

• When using the main meeting room (3 people maximum)

Changes in advice

Guidance on PPE / office working practices will be continually monitored

for any changes in government or scientific advice.


Return to work guidance

Housekeeping reminders

Windows/air con

Please remember to shut all windows when you leave. Remember, the

preference is to have clean air ventilation via windows being open while

you are in the office.

Lock doors

Ensure doors are locked both sides when you leave. If the door is not

locking for whatever reason, please let security and James know.

Turn everything off

Make sure all tv’s, monitors, fans and any other electrical item you may

have used are switched off before you leave.


Turn all lights off in meeting rooms, booths and small kitchen.


Return to work guidance

Deliveries & services

For your safety, please consider/be aware of the following:

• Office services/contractors

such as printer maintenance,

confidential shredding, etc.

will be screened before

coming to the office and they

will be required to wear masks

and gloves in our office.

• We will use a contact free

approach to all deliveries to

the office.

• We ask that you do not order

personal items (amazon or

other parcels) to be

delivered to the office for the


• Signs/posters will be on

display in the office for all

visitors to observe.


Return to work guidance

Foreign travel

As you are all aware, advice around foreign travel and access to other countries is

constantly changing. This looks set to continue for the foreseeable future.

If you are considering taking a foreign trip (holiday or otherwise) please let your

manager know in order for us to assess future project commitments and


Whilst we do not want to discourage or influence your decision around foreign

travel, we cannot ignore the impact that unexpected quarantining could have on

project work and resourcing. We ask that you consider the risk and potential

impact on your work commitments and speak to your manager in order to ensure

Northstar is aware of your travel plans.


Return to work guidance

Respect your colleagues

The rules and measures we have put in place are for everybody’s safety and to

allow us to open the office for your benefit.

Please always respect each other – be that following the 2m rule in the office,

wearing your mask, washing your hands regularly, wiping down surfaces, etc.

It is very easy to become complacent and some measures may even add

disruption to your working day in the office. Please always be aware of your

actions and the actions of others when in the office.

We would encourage you let us know if you are made to feel uncomfortable

and/or if certain rules are proving difficult to follow.

Guidance on how we operate in the office will no doubt change as usage

increases and time goes on.


Return to work guidance

Should you have any questions or queries

please contact either James or Simon.

Thank you!


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