the pleasure, passion,power and panache of painting

exclusive intervews with Patrick Blower, Colin Halliday, Richard Fitton and Ian Norris..not to be missed

exclusive intervews with Patrick Blower, Colin Halliday, Richard Fitton and Ian Norris..not to be missed


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“the pleasure, the passion, the power and the panache of painting.”

From an historical viewpoint, Patrick has been

exhibiting his paintings since 1983 (‘Terminal

New York’ - Brooklyn Army Terminal, exhibition

being the first). This show came about when he

lived in NYC. He was living off the few dollars

he could scrape by on, earned from any odd jobs

he could find. He painted when he could and

as always, drawing was a big part of his art. He

managed to sell a few cartoons to a magazine in

NYC, which got him noticed.

And it was cartoons that gave him a consistent

amount of money to live off, when he returned to

London. After a very short time Political Cartoons

became his speciality. Painting remained his

passion but was firmly on the back burner, as far

as producing it was concerned.

It was at this point that he sidelined painting

in pursuit of drawing and earning a living and

supporting his family, it wasn’t until 2007 that he

began the process of painting on a regular basis

once again.

This gathered space slowly, from 2008 to 2012,

until in 2013 when his work was included in

the Threadneedle prize, and 2016 in the Lynne

Painter-Stainers prize.

‘the Artist with portraits of his Sons, Titus. 200cm x 140cm

Acylic on canvas. 2014

Since then he has exhibited on a number of

occasions in various venues in London in 2016,

2017 and very recently in February 2018.

All to the good that may be, but Patrick sees his

painting as more of a vocation than a

career as such.

one of the ‘sea’

painting in

Patricks studio

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