Nats Card

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Hi Nats! Happy Birthday:) We have

known each other for 9 years now! Wow,

time really flies! I still rmb that when I

started to come to hogc you made my

my birthday cake and celebrated with

me. I was so touched and felt very loved.

Fast forward now you are still constant

and still the same Nats I know that love

and care for the ppl you are leading. You

have inspired me in many ways and told

me that I can be a better version of

myself. Even though maybe you cannot

personally talk to everyone in the zone,

you will look out for us and see if things

were alright! I am so blessed to have you

as my leader and so excited for the

years to come! Once again Happy

Birthday Nats! Love you very much:)

Love, Kumi

dream: step out of my comfort zone and be a

leader of small groups that has gone through

similar experiences as myself



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