Narratives in the Sky SUNRISE

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The 1 st Cup

Brekkie Bite

A 2 nd Cup

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Hoy por Manana



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Burning Desire

for Service

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5:48-6:01 AM

Sept. 14, 2020

AND forced into it I was. It took me 6 months into

my membership before I managed to deliver my

first prepared speech. I had to chug a glass of beer

10 minutes before I delivered that icebreaker

speech. I was hospitalized for overdosing on valium

when I had to deliver my 4 th speech.

Traumatized? Definitely. But not traumatized

enough to quit the program. Speech after speech I

delivered, and at the end of my second year, I

completed my first communication recognition

(CTM). Through the encouragement of other

toastmasters, I even competed and won the district

evaluation speech contest in 4 years time.

It was at that time that the district asked me to give

back. I served as a district officer, and with eyes on

the goal, I served with all I can. Area Governor of

the Year (1998), Division Governor of the Year (1999)

and Toastmaster of the Year (2002) accolades are

great photogenic sunrises in my life and the call

from Jon Greiner caps off a testament on how to

get things done:


with Passion and Commitment

There are more sunrises in my life, but these two

moments that I captured gave me the greatest

satisfaction when I reminisce and taught me the

biggest lessons in my life:

Know your goal. Know your mission.

When work overwhelms

and causes sleepless night, it helps to

keep your eyes on the finish line.

Appreciate the beauty of sunrises

in your life.

Use these memory-moments

To fuel your momentum

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