WCCD 19/20 Annual Report

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Page 6

Classroom Involvement

From being CSI agents to creating a forestry plan,

students have learned all about natural resources. CSI

soils is a recent program we brought into classrooms

this year. This interactive program lets students solve a

crime all while learning about soil color, texture, and

other properties. This activity was well received by 6th

grade students.

WCCD promotes and teaches Junior Achievement, a

classroom activity teaching financial responsibility.

WCCD teaches these lessons with an agricultural and

environmental twist. WCCD also promotes the Jim

Claypool Art & Writing contest with ten schools

participating this year!

Field Days

We are always ready to participate in field days and

volunteer our time. We attended an environmental

streamside field days at Romanza Johnson Park teaching

6th grade students all about reduce, reuse, and recycle.

The students played minute to win it games learning how

to reuse items at home

This year we also assisted with the Regional FFA’s land

judging competition.

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