Visibility of Luna and Lunar Crescent

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT

A discussion on visibility of LUNA'S cRESCENT


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durtng ! dry rdlt.' dF pdh of dt Su B itt pdh of dp rroor @ bc 6Bid6.d r

snrll circl. tl[l h.rc th.i poLs tl rlE Nodt cdcdi.l Pol6 i.. rlE dil4l plrlr3 ofrhc

Su .d th. MM do nd lie ii p||G F .lld (o tlE pLG of dE di!.nrt prtht ot d6

Fo. ple3 on E!n[ wirh Lrtu L. 8ral6 (t.1 660 ]a' (Mln q ort) rlE! e d.yr

dunls .sy rd, *ha Son tqn iB b.low th. hdid dl dry (d ltoe lh. horian dl

da!). Sinilllr forplrc6wirh ld' h.gldrlbo6f 25'drhdorl! dE .I!d.ys

dun.8 .tqy luu rEtl etE d! Moon n bdor rL hdizoi dl &y (or.borc tt&

Ap.n fion th. plr6 chc to dr Gqld bd! tt Su!d thc Mmmy16€l

v6y clole to tE ho.izon. Fo. pb€. d$. lo tlE audor ilE Cclcs'rl Equnor p6s€s

doe lo dE anh !d tlElfd! ti. pdnr of ft S{n.!d dE Moon |!mi. hiSh in $c

dq. Bu in ph6 wnh higls hd L. ih. Cd.lrid Equdd i! clos lo th. Hdid o

th.l th. p.tlB of tlE S!..!d tlE M6 my b. d@ d cq bclow th. horizon. Th.

68|le @. 1.2.1 CFs lh. driw dirrdd of dE cliDlic.td cd.ri.l .quror ia

6np.rid lo tlE hdid for. lLe rin hrgl |tin|d. d dr dm of hol o&r !r

!d!d rsd .quimx (6liFic in ttl.) .n rorld aodd .qlircx (6liFi. in pinl) .




Figur.No.1.2I C.l.eid SdE fo. d obffi in hi8lj blnud.

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