By-laws - Queensland Law Society

By-laws - Queensland Law Society

By-laws - Queensland Law Society


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Communication<br />

Part 2 – The finer points of drafting<br />

T he<br />

pro cess of com pos ing a well struc -<br />

tured and ef fec tive doc u ment in volves a<br />

num ber of cru cial steps. The first edi tion<br />

in this se ries (printed in the Feb ru ary Ver dict)<br />

looked at writ ing doc u ments us ing plain and<br />

clear lan guage. This in stall ment will cover the<br />

es sen tials of draft ing as they ap ply to writ ing<br />

vir tu ally any type of pa per.<br />

The impor tance of effec tive draft ing cannot be<br />

under stated. Draft ing enables the writer to struc ture<br />

arguments, empha sise impor tant points and essen -<br />

tially optimize the “flow” of the document. In addition<br />

to this, draft ing lets the author analyse and restruc -<br />

ture (where neces sary) sentences and paragraphs to<br />

ensure correct grammar and word usage. While there<br />

are many facets of draft ing, this paper will analyse<br />

those most crucial to the writing process.<br />

communication breakdown<br />

break down<br />

Length<br />

The length of a document is very impor tant. A short,<br />

precise document will more readily convey your<br />

message, so where possi ble, try to be succinct. It has<br />

been stated that:<br />

“Many legal documents are unnec es sar ily lengthy,<br />

overwrit ten, self conscious and repeti tious. They<br />

consist of lengthy sentences and involved sentence<br />

construc tion. They are poorly struc tured and poorly<br />

designed. They suffer from elabo rate and often<br />

unnec es sary cross-refer enc ing. They retain archaic<br />

phrases. They use techni cal terms and foreign words<br />

and phrases even when English equiv a lents are<br />

readily avail able. They are unintel li gi ble to the<br />

ordinary reader and barely intel li gi ble to many<br />

lawyers”. 1<br />

To this end, it is clear that the wording of a<br />

document must be pitched at a level appro pri ate to<br />

Vol. 2 2006 The Verdict 55

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