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London without him, but I believed Amos about one thing: right now Dad was beyond our

help. I didn’t trust Amos, but I figured if I wanted to find out what had happened to Dad, I

was going to have to go along with him. He was the only one who seemed to know


Amos stepped aboard the reed boat. Sadie jumped right on, but I hesitated. I’d seen boats

like this on the Nile before, and they never seemed very sturdy.

It was basically woven together from coils of plant fiber—like a giant floating rug. I

figured the torches at the front couldn’t be a good idea, because if we didn’t sink, we’d

burn. At the back, the tiller was manned by a little guy wearing Amos’s black trench coat

and hat. The hat was shoved down on his head so I couldn’t see his face. His hands and

feet were lost in the folds of the coat.

“How does this thing move?” I asked Amos. “You’ve got no sail.”

“Trust me.” Amos offered me a hand.

The night was cold, but when I stepped on board I suddenly felt warmer, as if the

torchlight were casting a protective glow over us. In the middle of the boat was a hut made

from woven mats. From Sadie’s arms, Muffin sniffed at it and growled.

“Take a seat inside,” Amos suggested. “The trip might be a little rough.”

“I’ll stand, thanks.” Sadie nodded at the little guy in back. “Who’s your driver?” Amos

acted as if he hadn’t heard the question. “Hang on, everyone!” He nodded to the

steersman, and the boat lurched forward.

The feeling was hard to describe. You know that tingle in the pit of your stomach when

you’re on a roller coaster and it goes into free fall? It was kind of like that, except we

weren’t falling, and the feeling didn’t go away. The boat moved with astounding speed.

The lights of the city blurred, then were swallowed in a thick fog. Strange sounds echoed

in the dark: slithering and hissing, distant screams, voices whispering in languages I didn’t


The tingling turned to nausea. The sounds got louder, until I was about to scream myself.

Then suddenly the boat slowed. The noises stopped, and the fog dissipated. City lights

came back, brighter than before.

Above us loomed a bridge, much taller than any bridge in London. My stomach did a slow

roll. To the left, I saw a familiar skyline—the Chrysler Building, the Empire State


“Impossible,” I said. “That’s New York.”

Sadie looked as green as I felt. She was still cradling Muffin, whose eyes were closed. The

cat seemed to be purring. “It can’t be,” Sadie said. “We only traveled a few minutes.” And

yet here we were, sailing up the East River, right under the Williamsburg Bridge. We

glided to a stop next to a small dock on the Brooklyn side of the river. In front of us was

an industrial yard filled with piles of scrap metal and old construction equipment. In the

center of it all, right at the water’s edge, rose a huge factory warehouse heavily painted

with graffiti, the windows boarded up.

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