October 2020 Howler

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12 November 6, 2020


The Northwood Howler

Examining both sides of Amy Coney Barett’s nomination

Upholding the integrity of the Constitution

By William Baik

Staff Writer

Judge Amy Coney Barrett was

met with a wave of criticism following

her nomination. Her strong Catholic

faith and views opposite Justice

Ruth Bader Ginsburg caught fire on

social media. However, there is much

irony in criticizing Barrett purely for

most of her viewpoints, as her consistent

track record means that Barrett

meets the qualifications to be a credible

Supreme Court member.

Barrett approaches judging

through a rigid adherence to the Constitution.

In due part to her clerkship

under former Justice Antonin Scalia,

her rulings rarely stray from what is

prescribed in the Constitution, evident

in her short career in the Court of

Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. Her

dissenting opinion on Kanter v. Barr,

for instance, consisted of a 37-page

paper detailing the intentions of the

Founding Fathers in the ownership

of a gun. Though it is possible that

this unwillingness to shift with the

times is a fallacy in Barrett’s judging,

stricter judges are necessary to put

Keeping drivers independent contractors: Voting “yes” on Prop 22

ByYejin Heo

Staff Writer

Proposition 22 is a general ballot

measure that would exempt gig

workers in the ride-share industry

from Assembly Bill 5, making them

independent contractors rather than

standard employees. Californians

casted their vote on election day, and

it has now been confirmed that the

proposition has passed.

When gig companies like Uber,

Lyft, DoorDash and Postmates argue

for their workers, it’s because they

are genuinely worried about their

own revenue streams. But in this

case, the self-employed back them

up at their own accord by saying that

independent contracting is beneficial

for them. Even though most of

us have no horse in this race—since

most high school students are not gig

workers—it is preferable to listen to

the viewpoints of the people who

would be directly affected by this


“It gives me the flexibility to be

around my mom and kids during the

day and early evenings,” Uber driver

Trisha C said on Drivers for Prop. 22.

“I have health issues that restrict


CENTER OF CONTROVERY: New Trump court appointee strikes conversation about constitutional law

a threshold on how far government

powers can expand.

This is especially true in an age

where progresivism, or social reform,

has emerged at the centerpoint of

politics. Questioning the extent of

our civil liberties are vital towards

a healthy democracy, but deciding

where the boundaries lay for Congress’

policies remains ambiguous

due to how the majority inevitably

fluctuates over time. It is impossible

to assert that Barrett’s addition will

suppress progress entirely or that her

future actions would substanitially

impact social reform.

Conservatives will hold a 6-3

majority over the Supreme Court if

Barrett is confirmed by the Senate,

giving opportunities to overturn landmark

cases. Roe v. Wade is the primary

case of concern, as its precedent on

the federal legality of abortion could

be flipped with Barrett’s personal

opposition to abortion. Barrett also

states Roe v. Wade is not “super-precedent”

as per her confirmation hearings,

meaning that the case is debated

enough to question if its original decision

should stand. The pro-choice,

pro-life debate remains a deeply contentious

point, but supporters of the

pro-life movement will find Barrett’s

nomination appealing.

A judicial confirmation on the

horizon encourages Republican voters

in swing states to participate in

the upcoming election. The possibilities

she presents in overturning cases

in favor of a conservative-leaning

population may likely spur voters to

cast their ballots. These votes look to

be particularly important considering

President Donald Trump’s 16-point

deficit to Joe Biden as per CNN’s

poll conducted from Oct. 1-4. The

Senate’s final confirmation vote is

expected to be around Oct. 26, days

before Election Day; her nomination

could end up altering the election outcome.

People are often threatened by

the prospect of ideas that do not align

with their own. Barrett’s stance on

several hot topics may perturb those

with opposing views, but her consistency

and assertiveness will ensure

that she retains the integrity of the

Constitution while serving on the Supreme


how long I can stand or sit, so being

able to stop when I need to is what

makes ridesharing perfect for me,”

Lyft driver Honey R. said.

“On the days that I am unable to

work, I don’t,” Uber and Lyft driver

Christine C said.

The driving force behind the

California Assembly Bill 5 that Prop.

22 is trying to terminate is California

Assembly member Lorena Gonzalez

who represents parts of San Diego.

Gonzalez was previously a labor

leader and organizer, which fueled

her proposition that more employees

would lead more people to join work

Anjali Mittapally The Northwood Howler

Destroying the road to equity

By Hari Srerramagiri

Staff Writer

“My most fervent wish is that

I will not be replaced until a new

president is installed.” This was the

sentence Justice Ginsburg prompted

her granddaughter to write before her

untimely demise. Trump, however,

has nominated a candidate whose beliefs

place every decision Ginsburg

has made in hopes of a better future

in peril: Amy Coney Barret.

Barrett, who thinks being gay is

a “sexual preference” rather than an

immutable part of identity that is not

chosen, and who repeatedly dodged

questions on same-sex marriage during

her U.S. confirmation hearing.

Coney Barrett, who does not believe

in a woman’s right to choose, and

who has indirectly threatened to overturn

Roe v. Wade decision legalizing

abortion. Rape victims, young girls,

underpriviledged women without the

financial means to raise a child. These

are the people who this decision will

hurt the most, and guess what? Barret’s

Catholic beliefs that “affirm the

teachings of the Church as truth,” regardless

of proven science and statistics,

do not solve their problems.

Barrett, who thinks guns should

continue to be legal, regardless of

their catastrophic impact on the lives

of young teens and the victims of racial

violence. She dissented in Kanter

vs. Barr, in which the appeals court

upheld a decision restricting the Second

Amendment rights of a felon

convicted of mail fraud, claiming

that this violated his Constitutional

rights. According to this reasoning, it

follows that any person convicted of

a major felony due to suspicious behavior

can remain armed, regardless

of an imminent risk of more dangerous

future occurrences.

Barrett, who has made questionable

decisions when it comes to

immigration policy, including defending

the Trump administration’s

rule denying immigrants permanent

residence if they are deemed “likely”

to use public assistance. Additionally,

she has refused to review cases by

immigrants applying for humanitarian

protections, which are essential

for immigrants to obtain deportation

relief and other benefits for quality of


Barrett, who helped to block

the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity

Commission from stopping

an employer who was appointing

their employees based on ethnicity.

Columbus Dispatch reports this is a

decision which, in the words of three

dissenting judges, “deprived people

...of employment opportunities at

their preferred geographic location.”

During trying times, there are

some issues which test the intelligence

of leaders, some which test

their strength, and others which test

their basic human instincts. Following

the passing of Justice Ruth Bader

Ginsburg, President Donald Trump’s

instincts are in question, because the

differences between Barett and her

predecessor are stark. Ginsburg was

a strong woman who spent her life

battling adversity, unifying the liberal

block, and shattering the glass ceiling

for future generations of women

in politics. Meanwhile, Barett has

ideals that would solidify conservative

dominance on the Supreme

Court and restrict the passage of

liberal decisions. Some might argue

that my judgement is being clouded

by political opinions, but there is

nothing wrong with conservative or

originalist views. It is when they are

combined with a lack of empathy for

oppressed and minority groups that

they lead to catastrophic impacts. A

balance of liberal and conservative

judges leaves room for conversation,

while imbalance furthers the dogmatism

and polarization that already

plague our country.

All in all, this is not a political

issue, but a people issue. Barret’s

nomination threatens the lives of millions

whose freedom Justice Ginsburg

worked so hard to preserve and

protect. If she were here today, perhaps

she would say it louder for the

people in the back: “My most fervent

wish is that I will not be replaced until

a new president is installed.”

unions, which would make Gonzalez

more money in the end.

Gonzalez’s proposal for the bill

would codify into law the Supreme

Court decision made in the delivery

service company Dynamex Operations

West, Inc. versus the Superior

Court in April of 2018, which set

standards to determine whether a

worker is an independent contractor

or employee through a three-step criteria


It was ruled that a worker is an

independent contractor if they are

free from direction from their company,

performs work outside the usual

course of the company’s business,

and is engaged in an independently

established occupation or business of

the same nature to the company.

After negotiating with other

legislators to figure out how to implement

the complicated bill, it was

signed by Governor Newsom in September

2019 and was put into full effect

in Jan. 2020.

Prop. 22 also provides benefits

in addition to the sought-after flexibility

of the job. It requires workers

to be paid at least 120% of California’s

minimum wage for the hours

they spend driving, and those who

drive more than 15 hours a week are

additionally compensated for health


On the topic of health, Mothers

Against Drunk Driving has also

endorsed Prop. 22, saying that ridesharing

provides a safe, reliable and

convenient alternative to drunk and

drug-impaired driving, preventing

accidents on the road.

At first glance, Prop. 22 could

be viewed as a way for companies to

create a new class of workers to exploit

gig workers by cheaping out on

paying benefits to their employees,

but it isn’t a loophole for corporations

at all.

If gig workers become employees,

tech companies will have no

choice but to make services more

expensive, putting their businesses in

jeopardy since customers may not be

able to pay for the extra cost. Saying

no to Prop. 22 means companies will

also have to restructure their business

models to accommodate their newlymade

employees. Due to the economic

downturn created by the CO-

VID-19 pandemic, this is not an ideal

time for businesses to restructure.

With Prop. 22 passed, many

workers who need a supplemental income

will lose their financial safety

net overnight. For most workers,

ridesharing and delivery is a side job

for retired folks seeking work in the

community, caregivers with unpredictable

schedules tethered to a loved

one’s health issues and students with

pending timelines for their next final.

The self-employed have been ignored

for too long and it would only

be right it we gave them the voice that

they deserve.

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