Trade Chronicle Sep - Oct - 2020 issue

Pakistan Leather Industry, Pakistan Cement Industry, Pakistan Ports and Shipping Industry, Top changes in Pakistan, Pakistan Automobile Industry, Pakistan Oil and Gas, Pakistan Steel Industry, Pakistan Telecommunication, etc.

Pakistan Leather Industry, Pakistan Cement Industry, Pakistan Ports and Shipping Industry, Top changes in Pakistan, Pakistan Automobile Industry, Pakistan Oil and Gas, Pakistan Steel Industry, Pakistan Telecommunication, etc.


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Celebrating Pinktober, BIMA Mobile hosts #GoPinkwith-


This, Breast Cancer Awareness Month

BIMA Mobile, the leading provider of

digital health and insurtech services in

Pakistan teamed up with the Honourable

First Lady of Pakistan, Begum Samina

Arif Alvi to host a digital meet up to raise

awareness of the disease.

#GoPinkwithBIMA was aimed at

harnessing the power of social media

to discuss different aspects of Breast

Cancer Awareness in Pakistan, where

90,000 women are diagnosed every year.

The event was graced by the First Lady

of Pakistan, Begum Samina Arif Alvi as

the chief guest, a true champion of Breast

Cancer Awareness and one of Pakistan’s

most significant and influential voice of

the cause.

The event opened with the recitation of

the Holy Quran and the National Anthem

of Pakistan, followed by an introductory

note by Hina Qaiser (Head of Marketing,

BIMA Mobile) and addresses by Murtaza

Khalil Hassan (CEO BIMA Mobile), The

First Lady of Pakistan, Begum Samina

Arif Alvi and Dr. Ahmad Mansoor (Chief

Medical Officer (CMO) BIMA Mobile).

After the initial addresses, guest

Consultant Medical Oncologist Dr. Umme

Kalsoom Awan answered questions from

the audience related to Breast Cancer.

Why is Breast Cancer Increasing in


Although breast cancer is a leading cause

of death for women all over the world,

Pakistan in particular is suffering more

than most, it currently has the highest

rate of breast cancer in all of Asia. We

have seen a steady increase in breast

cancer rates all over Pakistan during the

last decade.

According to some recent studies, the

rate of breast cancer is only going to

increase over the next few years, going

up by 130% by the year 2025 when

compared to 2015. This is being caused

by a combination of factors including an

overall change in behaviour and diet,

an aging population and an increase in


Before we discuss these various factors

it is important to note that it is impossible

“Breast cancer is a serious issue for

developed and developing countries.

Globally every year over 1.3 million

patients are diagnosed with breast

cancer. Globally, the mortality rate for

the disease is around 3 to 4 % whereas

in Pakistan it is almost 45 % which is

indeed an alarming situation. According

to experts if the disease is diagnosed at

the first stage there are 95 % of survival

chances which means that mortality

rate can be reduced through educating

women about the early symptoms of the

disease. Doctors, philanthropists, civil

society, military institutions, hospitals,

schools, universities and NGOs have

joined the drive for creating the maximum

awareness about breast cancer. I would

to determine

exactly how

much each of

these factors

is contributing to

the overall problem. This is mainly due

to the lack of concrete data available in



Some studies have pointed out that

Pakistan has seen an increase in cancer

causing behaviours in both men and

women over the last few years. These

behaviours include tobacco use, physical

inactivity and poor diets that involve a

large amount of processed food. All of

these things have been linked to cancer

time and time again by studies all over

the world, so it is no surprise that as

they grow in popularity in Pakistan, the

rate of cancer will grow with them. The

increase in the availability of fast food is

also partially to blame for this as fast food

also like to appreciate the response of

the media particularly newspapers and

social media are also playing a significant

role. I urge the media to keep creating

awareness regarding the disease

throughout the year.” said First Lady of

Pakistan, Begum Samina Arif Alvi

“I thank the Honourable First Lady for

her support and attendance today. With

our work entirely focused on Health in

Pakistan, the month of October has

always been very significant to us given its

resonance with breast cancer, serving as

a reminder to spread greater awareness

to regularly self-check & to be screened

in the hope that early detection will lead to

more positive outcomes in the fight against

breast cancer. On our part, through our

expert tele-doctors and tailored health

programmes we continue to champion

greater health and wellness awareness

for our customers. Given that in Asia,

Breast cancer has the highest rates of

incidence in Pakistan, we wanted to use

our voice while harnessing the reach of

social media combined with the power of

voices of influence” said Murtaza Khalil

Hassan, CEO BIMA Mobile Pakistan

In Pakistan, more than 50% of the

population don’t have access to basic

healthcare; this means that women

may struggle to receive breast cancer

advice or diagnosis. BIMA Mobile offers

customers unlimited access to qualified

tele-doctors at affordable prices (from

PKR 43 per month).

and junk food have been linked to breast

cancer before.

The Aging Population

It is of course also entirely possible that

much of this increase is not due to any

increase in the cancer rate overall, but

just because the population is aging. It

is expected over the next few years that

a larger percentage of the population will

be between 60 and 75 years of age. This

is mainly due to wider societal factors

that are beyond the scope of this article.

This increase in age will also lead to an

increase in the incidence of age related

diseases, such as breast cancer which

is most common in post-menopausal

women. So it may be that the rate of

cancer isn’t really increasing, just the

number of people who are at highest risk.

The overall increase in life expectancy

is also a leading cause of the increased

cancer rates, as older people are more

prone to all kinds of cancers.

Contuined on page # 8

TRADE CHRONICLE - Sep - Oct - 2020 - Page # 7

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