WS Gilbert A Mid-Victorian Aristophanes - Haddon Hall

WS Gilbert A Mid-Victorian Aristophanes - Haddon Hall

WS Gilbert A Mid-Victorian Aristophanes - Haddon Hall


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When a new voice makes a new world dance to a new tune we acknowledge a genius.<br />

Sometimes he does so in a way that may be pursued: he founds a school which expands.<br />

So, after many colloquial experiments, Montaigne’s essay in essays blossomed into the<br />

present cosmopolitan novel which barely permits its forefather to recognize himself. But<br />

sometimes his enchantment is limited to his own originality, which no copyist can<br />

develop. He has achieved all that was possible in his peculiar sphere: he is a<br />

phenomenon. Such was <strong>Aristophanes</strong>; such, in his measure, Sir William <strong>Gilbert</strong> — both,<br />

in whatever respects incomparable with each other, wholly incomparable with anyone<br />

else; both, poet-ironists and creators of fresh provinces; both, inverters of what is termed<br />

the real, and realizers of the world’s inversions.<br />

<strong>Gilbert</strong> has left us, but his works will not easily pass away so long as poetic humor and<br />

prose-fairyland hold their own, so long as “superior persons” are kept at a respectful<br />

distance. His dramatic humoresques have already become literature, and in both aspects<br />

they are signal. Our English <strong>Aristophanes</strong> was eminently a stylist and constructor. He<br />

was a master of the comic and lyric stage in nearly all their departments. His rhymes and<br />

his rhythms harmonize even the most extravagant of his capers and caprices, and, while<br />

they dance hand and foot with them, they restrain their antics almost severely. He is the<br />

most critical of creators, the most creative of critics in an atmosphere which he may be<br />

said to have rediscovered. For that atmosphere, despite the centuries, is, after all, the<br />

atmosphere of <strong>Aristophanes</strong>. Their world is one not of nonsense but of sense upside<br />

down. It laughs thought into us. And though it is in both cases a sphere as light as down,<br />

it is not ethereal, but a borderland between empyrean and the too solid earth. Its welkin<br />

rings with everyday laughter, and the mirage of a masquerade contracts the countenances<br />

with the visors. Truth smiles from the bottom of a most sparkling fountain, the spray of<br />

which is hued with rainbow ironies. With all the magic of its background, the victory of<br />

whim is short-lived. It is the triumph of hypothesis, resembling one of those systems that<br />

proceed logically from paradox; inconsequence turns consequent, while fantasy lends<br />

wings to the logic of the illogical like Pirates of Penzance’s:<br />

How quaint the ways of paradox,<br />

At common sense she gaily mocks.

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