2020 Lexington SCA Program

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2020 Ambassador Family

The Russell Family

Elizabeth, Anthony, and Blake

January 8, 2018, is a day that changed the trajectory of our lives forever. It was a chilly

Monday morning. I was 33 weeks and 2 days pregnant, and I was returning to work to

organize everything ahead of my maternity leave. My pregnancy had been happy and

healthy so far, aside from having my blood pressure monitored for a few weeks. First

thing that morning, I got a call from my doctor. The results of the latest test were back

and the blood pressure concerns had turned into pre-eclampsia. The nurse assured me

that there was no need for alarm; I should remain vigilant about checking my blood

pressure and visit the hospital if I had specific symptoms. I sat at my desk trying to

take in this new information, avoid googling “pre-eclampsia” and not worry. Was my

head hurting? Did my blood pressure seem high? Or was I just imagining these things?

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