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animal to “prove” contagion) or resort to adding poisons to his culture,

which he knew would cause the symptoms in the recipients. 5

He admitted that the whole effort to prove contagion was a failure,

leading to his famous deathbed confession: “The germ is nothing; the

terrain is everything.” In this case, terrain refers to the condition of the

animal or person and whether the animal or person had been subject to


Since Pasteur’s day, no one has demonstrated experimentally the

transmissibility of disease with pure cultures of bacteria or viruses. No one

has bothered since Pasteur’s time to throw a ping-pong ball at a wall and

see what happens. Incredible as that may seem, we are sitting on a house of

cards that has resulted in incalculable harm to humanity, the biosphere, and

the geosphere of the Earth.

In chapters 2 and 3, we will examine cases in which bacteria or viruses

were falsely accused of causing disease. Read on, dear friends; the ride has

only started.

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