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Golf Imperatives

Sixteen important points to keep your golf game on track.


© 2014 Gavin Healey

All rights reserved


Golf is deceptively simple and endlessly complicated.

Arnold Palmer

Reverse every natural instinct and do the opposite of what you are inclined to

do, and you will probably come very close to having a perfect golf swing.

Ben Hogan

The proportion of the separation rate to the approach rate expresses the

elasticity involved, and is called the Coefficient of Restitution which is 80% for

the better golf balls - but drops below 70% at high speeds. Of course, this is

assuming there is no Compression Leakage

Homer Kelly


7 Introduction

8 Alignment (1)

10 Left arm (2)

14 Technique v Mental

16 Wrist un-cock (3)

18 Wrist cock (4)

20 Wrist strength (5)

22 Grip (6)

24 Hit it Find it

26 Chip (7)

28 Pitch (8)

30 Full swing (9)

32 Lag release (10)

34 Fast play

36 Weight transfer (11)

38 Head turn (12)

42 The shank

44 Acceleration (13)

46 Psychology (14)

48 Practice and play (15)

50 Putting (16)

52 The Putting stroke

54 Bunkers

56 The Golfing Machine Copyright

60 Index



Searching for a cure to my slice, I ended up in South Carolina with Tom Tomasello in the

early 90s. Tom taught me some things which I had never heard before, taken from a book

written by Homer Kelly, The Golfing Machine. His lessons have stayed with me until this day

as I continue to pass on the same message. Over the years I guess it has slightly diluted,

although I often go back to my

notes and video records in an

attempt to keep from getting

confused with the mass of

information polluting the golf

world. It is sometimes difficult

day in day out to tell people to

turn their head and not try to

keep it down, when 90% of

golf teachers will tell them

the opposite. Its a tough

lesson to change someones

grip when they have played

with the same one for several

years. It can be difficult to

explain that a ball flying left is

not because they have over turned their shoulders. With Tom I learnt the logic of the

golf swing. I hope this book helps pass it on to you because when you learn the logic

every move becomes much clearer and errant shots easier to correct.

Gavin Healey



The fan

Proper alignment is crucial to an uncompensated golf swing. The classic mistake is to logically

line up your feet to the target. You see many golfers holding the club parallel to their feet and

attempting to point to where they would like the ball to finish. Most achieve their aim and are

puzzled when the ball is struck to the right. Alignment must be parallel and not pointing at.

Imagine the golf swing is a giant fan, turn on the fan and

drop a golf ball into the top of it. The ball will be collected

by the blades and swept forward in the direction the fan is

pointed. To change this direction we must move the fan to

the left or right, turn it on, drop a ball in and the ball will

of course follow this new direction.

If we apply this image to a golf swing, alignment should be

done using the practice swing. When making the practice

swing imagine the club replaces the blades of the fan,

introduce the imaginary ball and guess which direction it

will take. After doing this a few times it will become

instinctive and if you check the line of your feet you will notice they are pointing parallel to

the target. Exactly where they should.

exercise - Make some practice swings and imagine the club replaces the blades

of the fan, introduce the imaginary ball and guess which direction it will take when

hit. Now check where your feet are aiming, they should point parallel to the line

between the ball and the target.

The Golfing Machine - Another need for a "perfect circle" motion is for directional control. If

the club face is maintaining a constant relationship to the radius of its rotation- wether the

face is open, closed or square - then the direction imparted at any one point of the arc will

always be the same for "centred" (sweet spot) impact. (1)


Left arm

A piece of rope

Many golf lessons begin with the club being held firmly in the left hand and guided back and

forward using a stiff left arm. Right arm participation is barely discussed as it is regarded a

taboo subject. Combine this with an attempt to keep your head down and the result is

inconsistent contact between club and ball, mostly topped and fat shots.

The mystery of the left arm participation during

the golf swing disappears when you replace the

arm with a length of rope. Imagine a rope

approximately a meter long looped around the

left shoulder and hanging down vertically. Take

the rope in your right palm and fix it against the

grip as if the rope replaces the left thumb.

During the backswing you will feel the true

participation of the left arm, through the rope.

You will sense the importance of the right hand

and arm in the takeaway and not the left which is

of course inert and without muscles, as is the

rope. Try this several times without a ball, then replace the rope with your left arm and try

with a ball. Keep the same sensation as before when the rope replaced the left arm. You

should feel the right arm participation and instantly make better contact on the ball. During

all strokes from chip through to full swing you should keep this feeling of the right wrist and

arm controlling the left.

exercise - Try several pitch shot swings with the rope replacing the left arm, now

replace the rope with the left arm and add the ball.

The Golfing Machine - The "mystery" of the Mechanics of Golf fades away when right

arm participation is understood. Wether its participation is active or passive is difficult to

detect visually because in either case the Left Arm is ALWAYS SWINGING and the Right

Forearm is ALWAYS DRIVING. (2)


At address the rope is pulled tight because of the weight of the club and the right palm

pushing downwards.


During the takeaway the right arm maintains tension on the rope.


At the top of the backswing the left arm (rope) should be straight due to pressure maintained

by the right arm.



The closer to an un compromised technique you are, the better you play. An example is 'golf

course management'. To play competitive professional golf 'course management' as it is

generally taught , does not exist. You either play well or you miss the cut, there is no room to

'lay up' or 'take an iron for safety'. This is one reason why good players sometimes under

perform when playing away from home. The golf course must be attacked and to do this you

need a safe technique. A draw that turns into a hook under pressure will weaken the

performance of a top player. Sure they will play well at their home club in their comfort zone,

but instead of improving when it becomes more important, they struggle because they cannot

rely on their swing.

The classic example is a hook shot proving much worse in a tournament than at the driving

range or playing with friends. The logical correction is to swing the club head more to the

right of the target to stop the ball going left, but this only compounds the problem and adds a

push to the hook which will result in few fairways hit. Scores will be very erratic because when

the short game is good, you will score low, but with an average short game the score will

mount quickly. Sometimes a player will not recognise their technique is failing them as they

blame poor scores on bad luck, concentration or poor course management.

I see the problem as technical and not mental. The following changes will cure the hook and

push to the right.

1. Grip more neutral (previously too weak)

2. Less wrist cock

3. Swing plane (divot) more left

4. Shoulders square (previously closed)

Learning a trusted technique is the first stage of playing to a high level. Once learnt,

performance can be improved by both mental and physical training. When looking for

reasons behind a poor performance always begin with technique.


Wrist un-cock

Law of the flail

A flail is two pieces of wood attached together with a leather strap. Make one and use it as a

great golf swing aid. The participation of the wrist and right hand

can be better understood by understanding the laws of the flail.

When swinging the flail an early release of the right wrist is essential

otherwise you will not arrive at the ball with the two part flail in line.

You could also imagine your left arm and club make up the flail with

the leather strap replacing your wrist. If the wrist is relaxed enough

the release of the club head can happen naturally with the help of

centrifugal force generated by the weight of the club head. Mostly

the release of the right arm and wrist will be a conscious effort

though. Keep in mind that this movement is for alignment and not

to generate speed.

exercise - Try slowly swinging the home made flail so that it arrives in line at the

point where the ball would lie.

The Golfing Machine - As with the standard flail, the true and proper direction for its mass to

move is "downward on plane" regardless of the incidental appearance of moving "forward on

plane". Always from the top. This is indispensable for both Hitters and Swingers for inhibiting

Club head Throwaway. (3)


Wrist cock

Two club backswing

Another illusion in the golf swing is the wrist cock. The trick is that the wrist is already cocked

at address and doesn't need to be further cocked during the takeaway.

Take a club in your left hand and address the ball (a). Un-cock your left wrist and hold

another club against your arm in this position (b). Now make the takeaway with the two clubs

in place, note the position at the top of the backswing. The first club (a) is in a conventional

position and the second (b) is uncocked and in line with the left arm. Nothing has been done

with the wrist to achieve the position of club (a). The common mistake in trying to achieve

the position of club (a) is that you must move your wrist or double cock during the takeaway.

This exercise will help to understand wrist movement during the takeaway and encourage

right wrist bend rather than cock. Hopefully we can then achieve a club face angle of 45 deg

at the top of the backswing. If the wrist is double cocked the toe of the club points down and

the club face must be closed on the downswing to get a straight shot. This closing of the club

face leads to the club head passing the hands and impact is less precise.

exercise - Make the takeaway with the two clubs in place, note the position at

the top of the backswing.

The Golfing Machine - The Uncocking of the Flat Left Wrist is a Perpendicular Motion - not

a Horizontal Motion. (4)


Address the imaginary ball and attach the second club to your right forearm.


Make the takeaway with the two clubs in place and do not change the wrist position.


Continue to the top of the backswing, here you see clearly the cocked and uncocked wrist

positions. Because you have not moved the wrist at all it is clear to see the wrist was already

cocked at address.



On the money

'Show me a good grip and I will show you a good player'. This is one of the most important

statements in golf instruction. Try to develop a routine method of taking the grip each time.

A good way is to hold the club where the grip joins the shaft with your bottom hand. This will

allow you to see that the club face is square. Next place the club into the top hand resting

where the fingers join the hand and holding with the first three. Now slide the bottom hand

up into position with the palm covering the left thumb. The Vs between thumb and forefinger

of both hands should point to the right shoulder. An effective grip consists of three pressure

points, 1) third joint on right index touching the rear side of the club 2) right palm touching

top of left thumb 3) first three fingers on the left hand. To understand these points better, take

your grip and have a credit card positioned between the palm of the bottom hand

and the thumb on the top hand. Make small swings without the ball with

the goal to keep the card in place until finish. Then try small pitch

shots with the card. When moving to the full swing remove the

card but keep conscious of this point of contact. Now do the

same with a small coin placed where the index finger on the

bottom hand touches the rear of the grip. To allow the wrist to

move correctly use the least pressure possible, the lighter you hold

the club the more natural and effective the stroke will be.

exercise - Take your grip and place a credit card between

the palm of the bottom hand and the thumb of the top hand. Begin with small

swings without the ball, the goal is to keep the card in place to the finish.

The Golfing Machine - The grips of Hitters and Swingers must differ in tightness. For the

Swinger , Centrifugal Force Un cocks BOTH the Left Wrist and the Right Elbow. So both

must remain"Passive" but never "Whippy". For the Hitter, The Right Triceps become

"Active" and execute both Uncocking motions with a firmness that approaches the

mandatory rigidity of the Right Wrist. (5)


The credit card will stay in place if the hands stay together.


Hit it find it and hit it again

Like any instruction book, the rules of golf gain volume with each new edition. In trying to

simplify the rules often they become more complicated. Referees are also trained to a higher

level, having to pass exams on a regular basis to keep their status. Unfortunately this progress

is sometimes lost on the average club or social player, although they manage to get tangled in

the rules occasionally when they venture into a club competition. Many a bad day has been

had on the golf course, not from poor play, but from an altercation with another player due to

a rule misunderstanding. Rules classes and training for members sometimes exacerbate the

problem as a little knowledge can make many experts.

There is an old adage which stands the test of time and can be relied on in most situations.

"Hit it, find it, hit it again". This is the basis for the rules of golf. Anything else comes under

the heading "exceptions" which account for 90% of the current rule book and are the source

of many an argument. The only necessary "exception" arises when you cannot hit your ball.

Here you either return to where the last shot was played, drop a ball within 2 club lengths or

drop the ball along a line from the flag and never nearer the hole.

"Hit it find it hit it again, with one exception". This simple interpretation of the rules can be

applied in most situations. A recent high profile breach of the rules could have been avoided

had Tiger Woods understood the rules in this way. Woods was controversially given a 2 shot

penalty on the 13th hole during the Masters for dropping his ball in the wrong place. His

correct option was to drop his ball along a line between the flag and the point where his ball

crossed the hazard.

Next time you need help from the rules of golf try "Hit it, find it, hit it again" with one

exception of course. I guarantee it will cover almost all situations you face, and more

importantly let you concentrate on your game and not the distraction of your partner who is

more intent on arguing about rule 24.1 than playing their own game.


Kings Barnes 4th



Hold your hips

The golf swing can be broken into three stages. The first is the chip. Chip is defined by the

finish position where the hips don't move and the club head finishes its path in the ground. To

achieve this the wrists extend and point down to bring the club shaft into line with the left

arm at impact. Any early movement of the hips will result in club head throwaway,

deceleration and hitting behind the ball.

To force this movement have a friend turn your hips in the opposite direction during the

downswing. This enables the wrist to lead the downswing and release in the correct way.

When you feel this movement you will then not be afraid to begin any down swing with the

hands or right arm. This movement is recognised as taboo by many instructors only because

it is misunderstood. When done correctly it turns the golf swing into a pure hit, the same as

you would use in baseball, cutting a tree or cracking a whip. It should initiate return to the

ball from any length swing. This chip shot stroke for any small shots with a variety of clubs

from 5 iron through sand wedge, depending on height or backspin required. This wrist

movement is also the same for the putting stroke, although an even shorter version.

exercise - To force this movement have a friend turn your hips gently in the

opposite direction during the down stroke.

The Golfing Machine - Driving the club head toward the Green (Steering), instead of toward

the Ball, is the great disrupter of the Flat Left Wrist. (6)


The club and left arm finish in line when the wrists un cock correctly to the ball.



Hands and club first

Pitch is the second stage of the swing sequence and also the stroke most used for short game.

Pitch is defined by its chip stroke with a left hip and shoulder turn after impact which

continues until the stomach faces the target. At this point the right heel is off the ground and

the club points 45 deg down towards the ground. If you were to stick a pencil to the club face

it would point horizontal. After impact you should feel the club head is being dragged as

through water, a slow movement led by the left hip and shoulder.

Pitch is also the stroke used by many players when their swing is restricted by a tree branch

for example. How many times have you played poorly, with the only well struck shots coming

from restricted swings in the trees? This often happens, and is an example of the relationship

between the pitch stroke and correct contact on the ball.

exercise - Check the club face to see if the imaginary pencil points horizontal.

The Golfing Machine - Stop at the end of a short Chip Shot - the club at about 45degrees.

With Horizontal Hinging, the toe of the Club will point along the Plane Line. With Angled

Hinging about 45 degrees across the Plane Line. With Vertical Hinging, about 90 degrees

across the Plane Line with the Club face pointing squarely at the sky. (7)


To maintain the correct wrist movement, the club should point at 45° toward the ground.


Full swing

Think of the finish

Number one rule in all strokes is "don't think of your backswing".

Full swing is one more stage on from the pitch. The hands lift the club through to the finish

position keeping the right wrist bent. Finally the club is lowered to face the target and

balance, grip and club face angle can be checked. Practice the full swing without a ball until

you can feel the movement at a constant speed, when you play

the ball try to copy your last practice stroke in every way

including speed. We are much better at copying something we

have already done than trying to make a swing with several

static positions in mind. Remember often a feeling you have or

a movement you try to execute may not be the same in real

time with a ball.

Learn to hit balls with your practice swing. Make the swing

regardless of the shot or contact on the ball. Many poor swings are made because we are

trying too hard to hit the ball.

exercise - Practice the full swing without a ball until you can feel the movement

at a constant speed.

The Golfing Machine - The term "Timing" as used in Golf means to bring about Impact

during the moment of the Club heads maximum Force. (8)


Full swing check list :


- Club face open, check grip usually left hand in weak position.

Downswing starts with hips or lower body, practice early hand release to correct.

Hook - Club face closed, check grip usually right hand too strong.

Swing path in to out, check shoulder and hip turn after impact to keep the club

shaft swinging across body.


- Grip too tight

Impact not steep enough. Try swinging with head cover 50cm behind ball to make

steeper path.


- Lower body beginning down swing. Correct by starting hands first to prevent

horizontal hip movement.

* Shoulder turn never affects direction, only distance.

* Alignment is natural, do not over complicate it, understand parallel.

* Head turns. Finish more important than the backswing.

* Left arm loose. Right wrist, right arm more dominant.

* What you think is happening and what is really happening are often different.

" Judge the state of your game on your worst shot, not your best " unknown


The lag release

How to hit it long

One of the most asked questions in golf is 'what do I do from the top of the backswing?'

Most advice focuses on one point, either the hands, arms, hips or shoulders to start the

downswing. Any of these can be confusing and difficult to repeat. We all understand the

importance on any full shot to arrive back at the ball with the club shaft leaning slightly

forward or at least in line with the left arm. The more the club leans forward the more 'lag' is

created and the more distance due to the reduced loft of the club. Unfortunately lots of golf

instruction concerning 'lag' is aimed at arriving to the ball with the shaft leaning forward.

This is difficult to repeat, creates tension in the swing and is not a true accelerating


Try to imagine you are holding a bucket of water in front instead of the golf club. Place both

hands flat against the side of the bucket and make sure the bucket is upright so the water does

not spill out. Make your backswing and keep all the water in the bucket. Now to begin the

downswing tip the water on to the ball. Continue turning through using your left hip and

shoulders. Finally the empty bucket points horizontal, the reverse of throwing the water over

your left shoulder.

exercise - Practice this movement several times with the range ball bucket and

imagine tipping the water onto the ball. During the swing keep the same sensation

and the elusive 'lag' will appear.

The Golfing Machine - The essence of Club head lag technique is that it is always both

Aiming AND Thrust. Passive-it is primarily Aiming the Lag Pressure. Active-it is primarily

Thrusting the Lag Pressure Point. The Orbiting Club head does not seek out the ball-it seeks

out the delivery line.

note - Lag pressure point is - The first joint of the right hand index finger where it touches the

clubshaft. (9)



Fast Play

Speed of play is a sore point amongst golfers. Amateurs imagine pros play slowly, pros say the

same about amateurs, men insist that women are slow and vice versa.

The true problem lies deeper. Why play faster ?

If you take the afternoon to play golf, so what if it takes four and a half or five hours. The time

spent in the bar afterwards isn’t given the same scrutiny!

No, the reason to play faster is financial, clubs make money by fitting the maximum number of

players on the golf course and the PGA Tour has a television deadline to meet.

Why not return to the proven formula still practiced in some old established clubs where four

ball matches are the norm, mostly foursomes and 4BBB. Singles are not allowed on the course

and two balls only in the final round of the Open Championship.

If we were to play only four ball matches, either organised by the club or amongst friends, the

time taken to play 18 holes would become less important and the number of players on the

course would be optimised.

Changes to golf etiquette have recently allowed a two ball the right to play through a preceding

three or four ball match. We also see too often a single player insisting on playing through the

group in front. All these matches of one, two, three and four balls together make for a forgettable

afternoon of golf.

Let’s hope clubs in the future will put emphasis on quality of play and not the quantity of tee



Kings Barnes 7th


Weight transfer

The illusion

60/40 weight balance at the top of backswing is generally recommended. I don't disagree.

Unfortunately most trying to get this elusive 60% weight distribution will intentionally shift

their weight to the right. As the arms and club swing away in the backswing the balance of

weight will shift to the right anyway, it is not necessary to intentionally shift the weight and if

you do the equation will be closer to 80/20. To maintain the correct balance there is almost a

need to put weight onto the front foot during the takeaway, exactly the opposite of what is

often taught. Try some small practice swings putting all your weight on the front foot during

the backswing to the point where you lift your back foot off the ground at the top. After a

couple of swings, take a ball and try to keep the same sensation this time keeping the back

foot on the ground. You may be surprised how balanced your swing feels despite shifting your

weight in the opposite direction to the swing. In the end the simple explanation is, when

moving your arms and club to the top of the backswing, in order to maintain a weight

distribution of 60/40, you should load weight toward the front foot. Don't forget, what you

feel and what you do are two different things. You will be amazed how much weight you can

move to the left foot during the backswing as long as the hands and arms are moving in the

opposite direction.

exercise - Try some small practice swings putting all your weight on the front

foot during the backswing to the point where you lift your back foot off the ground

at the top. After a couple of swings, take a ball and try to keep the same sensation,

this time keeping the back foot on the ground.

The Golfing Machine - The Pivot involves twisting the body and shifting the weight during

the Stroke so as to maintain balance, a motionless head and any required tilt of the torso. (10)


To understand weight shift make some swings loading all the weight on the left foot.


Head turn

If and when

We have all been told to keep our head down. In fact this term has been the golfers cure all

for over a hundred years. Unfortunately this advice could be the biggest single

reason human beings struggle to hit a golf ball correctly. To prevent club head throwaway, the

left hip, head and shoulders should turn simultaneously to the left after impact. After impact,

is important, because any turning before impact promotes club head throwaway.

A conscious effort to hit the ball before turning the hips will help promote a right arm

hitting/pushing motion and prevent a left arm pulling motion.

Many modern players try to turn their head very early, almost at impact. This head turn will

help maintain the club on its angular path and make the hip and shoulder free. Best is not to

be conscious of head turn, just do not try to keep it down, still or behind the ball!

exercise - Hit some small pitch shots intentionally turning your head earlier than

normal. Feel how this helps finish the swing.

The Golfing Machine - The mechanical device has no balance problem but the human

machine does, and mastery of the Pivot is so essential for good Golf. (11)


A classic position when you try to keep your head on the ball.


Wrist strength

Using the door hinge

There are two ways to open a door, the conventional is to use the handle the second would be

to use the hinge to move the door. Imagine the

engineering feat involved to open and close a door with

the hinge.

Many golfers attempt something similar when moving a

golf club. If you imagine the wrists are like the hinge on

a door, they would be more effective if they were

relaxed and inert rather than stiff and mechanical. The

other benefit of holding the club with a very light

pressure is improved contact with the ball. Surprisingly

the more you let the club take its own path the more consistent your hit will be.

exercise - Hit some pitch shots and at the finish when you face the target drop

the club out of your hands so it points in the direction of your body. This will force

you to hold the grip very lightly.

The Golfing Machine - The grips of hitters and swingers must differ in tightness. For

swingers, centrifugal force uncocks both the left wrist and the right elbow. So both must

remain passive but never whippy. (12)


Try this exercise to relax the hands, be careful not to throw the club, just drop it.


The shank

Easy cure

A shank is when the ball is hit on the very inside of the club face, it actually does not hit the

club face but it hits where the shaft joins the club head. Although there are many technical

explanations for the shank it can happen to any golfer from beginner to pro. As a perfect

shot is only 2 cm away from a shank very small disturbances to the swing path can cause it.

The problem begins in trying to correct a shank. A ball hitting where the shaft joins the

club will always fly sharply to the right. The reaction from most players is to play the ball

more on the interior because the ball flying right would appear to come from the tip of the

club. Check your club face, if you notice the contact point is nearer the heal than the toe or

if you actually hit a shank, get back to the driving range and place three balls in a row each

in contact with the next. Remove the middle one and hit the ball closest to you. If your

swing is causing you to hit too much in the heal then both balls will fly away. Keep doing

this until you can comfortably hit the inside ball and not touch the other. With any swing

you will manage to cure the shank as long as your hands remain relaxed. Always

remember the best way to repeat a swing is with very light grip pressure, the moment you

tighten the grip the levers made up by the club and arms can move off line.

exercise - Place three balls in a row each one in contact with the next. Remove

the middle one and hit the ball closest to you.


St Andrews 15th



Solve the mystery

Try to understand acceleration because it could be the one thing which is holding back your

progress. Every driving range in the country has a machine which measures club head speed.

Of course this promotes a contest between golfers to have the highest club head speed. Often

this becomes a greater measure of golfing prowess than the game itself. The true measure

should be golf ball acceleration although often in the search of club head speed, compression

of the ball becomes secondary. The club head should

accelerate until after impact or the bottom of the

divot. After this point the slowing down period begins

and ends with a complete stop at the top of the follow

through. The biggest enemy of this acceleration is to

begin the swing too fast. Often in the search of more

club head speed this is exactly what happens. Lets

take two swings, the first achieves 80 kph club head

speed at impact but because earlier in the swing it was

traveling at 90 kph this deceleration causes the club

head to pass the hands making the impact position weak with the club face laid back. As the

true speed of the ball is not at impact but at separation this club head throwaway will cause a

loss of compression and therefore speed. The final speed of the ball could be as low as 50

kph. The second swing has a much slower club head speed of 60 kph at impact, but earlier in

the swing it was even less at 50 kph. This is almost half the speed of the first swing at the

same point. Because of this the compression of the ball will be more efficient and the ball

should leave the club face with almost the full 60 kph of speed and also a better launch angle

and spin rate to maximise distance. Finally, body mass, club head speed and ball compression

all combine to create distance. Don't sacrifice ball compression in the quest for club head


" Many shots are spoiled at the last instant by efforts to add a few more yards " Bobby Jones



Get in the zone

Golfing habits relating to sports psychology have been passed down over the years and now

some of them form part of the game. Never watching your playing partners swing is one. Its

amazing how the rhythm of one player can rub off on another unconsciously. Not breaking

routines is another, just ask any touring pro and you will realise to what point they will not

break certain routines before playing a tournament round. In the end though, any fault you

have in your golf swing will be amplified under pressure, this

pressure will come when you need to pitch over a bunker or

water, hole an important short putt or make a par to win

the match. There are two ways to improve your

performance in these situations. The first is to improve your

technique. When this is done by practice make sure you

only remember the good shots and forget the poor ones.

Take this over to the golf course and keep you head filled

with the great shots, even from past games. The classic

mistake is to arrive at a hole and only think about your

previous disasters there. The second is not to put more

importance on these crucial shots. This of course is easily

said and will require some mental tactics to achieve. A good

start is to learn yoga breathing and use it to prevent your mind from racing ahead of your

body. There are two situations where this is important. The first is bad luck or bad play.

Tempers can be controlled by deep breathing exercises which work immediately. Use this to

think clearly in situations where rash behaviour will lead to wasted shots. The second situation

arises when your play exceeds your expectations. Here equally use the breathing exercises to

keep calm and not get over excited at the prospect of a great score.

" Concentration comes out of a combination of confidence and hunger " Arnold Palmer


Practice and play

How to learn

By understanding the four stages of learning you can work on the important issues to

improve. (1) Unconsciously incompetent - the first stage, beware teachers, in this state the

pupil will not listen because they are unaware they need help. Use video to show them the

compensations they make in the golf swing. (2) Consciously incompetent - now they

realise they have a problem and are at a stage where they will accept help. (3) Consciously

competent - corrections have been made but have not yet been forgotten. Take the example

of learning to drive a car. The first few times are incredibly complicated, but soon all becomes

natural. Are you still aware of the process involved to change gear? (4) Unconsciously

competent - now you have made the changes, practiced them until they are forgotten and

you can get on with the pleasure of playing golf.

The difference between practice, play and warm up are

also very important in the battle we play with the golf ball.

Make clear distinctions between these three disciplines.

Warm up is done before play and during warm up you

should avoid practice. Warm up should involve hitting a

variety of shots to test which tools you have on a given day.

Maybe the draw doesn't work today, thats ok, go with what

you have. Don't fall into the trap of last minute swing

changes just before you tee off. Rarely your shots in warm

up resemble the shots you play on the course anyway. During play, practice is also prohibited,

do your best with what you have on the day and accept the results. Practice can be done after

play or on the days or months before. Don't disregard the importance of practice after play

because here all the faults are still fresh and corrections can be made.

exercise - During warm up hit a variety of shots, draw, fade, hook, slice, high,

low to see which ones are working best today. Resist playing shots on the course

which didn't work on the warm up.



Practice whats important

The mystery of putting can disappear if you keep to the facts and do not try too hard, as in

any other stroke for that matter. Fact number one is that the ball must have enough speed to

at least pass the hole otherwise it will never go in. This sounds too simple but its probably the

most common fault. To understand how to give the correct speed to the ball, concentrate on

the two variables. Length of stroke and speed of stroke. Best is to keep one of these always

the same and use the other to vary the distance. ex. Always swing the club at the same speed,

vary the stroke length to add or reduce distance. You will be surprised if you do this how your

distance control will immediately improve.

The second fact is a ball rolling away from the hole will never go in. To test this, find a sloping

left to right putt on the practice green. Hit some putts but make sure the ball firstly passes the

hole and secondly passes on the high (left) side. You will notice when you get the speed right

the ball will curve back to the hole and go in. All because you were trying to pass the hole on

the high side. When reading which way the green is sloping always look to the edges of the

green first, this gives an overall image of the angle of the green, after this you can look closer

near the line of the putt to determine the slope.

exercise - When practicing putts before tee off always start by trying to hit three

balls the same distance, when you manage this the speed of your stroke is regulated.

You can now aim at a target and let ourself calculate how long the stroke should be

depending on the speed of the green.


The putting stroke

How to roll the ball

There are many putting theories. Make sure you choose a method which will roll the ball

close to the green surface, this will help keep the ball on line. The sound the putter makes

when it hits the ball is also a great measure of a good putt. A putting lesson could almost be

given without watching the putt, as so much can be gauged from the sound.

Many things we do during the full swing can be applied to putting such as :

Wrist strength - keeping the wrists relaxed helps the down release of the thumbs into

impact, this is the same as for chipping.

Right wrist bend - do not be afraid to bend the right wrist on takeaway. This movement

will free up the hand movement and improve distance control. It also helps keep the follow

through shorter for a better contact.

Left arm like the rope - same as for all other strokes, imagine your left arm is replaced by

a rope, you can then push up and down with the right hand.

Rhythm same on both backswing and downswing - to get a good roll on the ball its

important not to hit at the ball. Consistent speed is best.

Then you must add some special putting requirements such as :

Head still - Keep the head still long after the ball has been hit. With any putt you think you

should make, keep your eyes down and do not look at the hole until you hear the ball drop.

Easier said than done.

Body still - For a consistent stroke do not move any part of the body from waist down.

Follow through no longer than backswing - To get best contact on the ball keep the follow

through the same length as the backswing. Attempting to follow through longer causes you to

push the ball and not hit it with the best contact.

Eyes directly over the ball - Eyes inside the ball will cause pushed shots to the right. Eyes

outside the ball will cause pulled shots to the left.



Splash it out

There are as many bunker theories as putting theories, each one with its merit. I apply the

same technique to the bunker as I would use to lob a ball to the green. The best way to

explain it is, imagine you are bouncing your club off water, not sand. To do this you need the

bounce or rear edge of the sand wedge to hit the water first so you can skip the club off the

water. With this image in mind try some swings on the sand, hit the sand alternately with the

leading edge and the rear edge of the club and note the difference. You will notice the more

you roll the club face open on the backswing the more bounce effect you will have on the


For the rest, keep weight even on both feet, knees bent, ball slightly left in stance, rotate the

club face open on the takeaway and finish using always the same speed back and through.

The rhythm is also very important because if you begin the downswing too fast almost always

the club will hit the sand too early as the club head slows through impact.

exercise - Find a pond which is easily accessible and try bouncing your sand

wedge off the water. If you cannot manage then maybe you need a sand wedge with

more bounce, check with the pro shop.


The image of bouncing your club off water will help in the bunker.


"The problem facing golf instruction is - any tip will help for twenty shots. This

phenomenon holds true because anything that takes your mind off your current thoughts will

help, until this then becomes your new swing key, then it won't work anymore."


The Golfing Machine

copyright 1982 Homer Kelly

(1) page 23 Directional Factors

(2) page 3 First Steps

(3) page 34 The Flail

(4) page 41 Lever Extension

(5) page 91 The Grip

(6) page 59 The Gateway

(7) page 28 Basic Planes & Hinging

(8) page 84 Timing

(9) page 79 The Secret

(10) page 119 The "Body" Lane

(11) page 9 The Machine

(12) page 91 The Grip


St Andrews road hole



Acceleration p63 Grip p21,31,61 Right arm p11,19

Aim p9

Rope p11

Alignment p9 Head down p57,73 Rules p35,67

Hook shot p17

Backswing p11

Shank p61

Bunkers p75 Lag p49 Takeaway p21

Learning p69

Chip p37 Left hand p11,19 Weight transfer p53

Course management p17

Wrist cock p21

Pitch p41

Wrist p27,37,73

Door p27

Psychology p65

Putting p71

Fan p9

Flail p19

Full swing p45


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