Reiki Shamanism_ A Guide to Out-of-Body Healing ( PDFDrive )

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Reiki Shamanism

thereafter continues into other dimensions. It can be

described as a star tetrahedron, in sacred geometry, with

lines (invisible in ordinary reality) that extend out into

time and space. 15 Indeed, it is by following these

invisible lines, or cords, that we travel in a shamanic


The way of the universe, whether seen by a medicine

man or a physicist is the same: all is energy, patterns of

energy, whether appearing in particle or wave or subtle

energy we cannot measure. Thought is energy. Intent is

energy. Trees, rocks and grass are energy. Prayer is energy,

too. We each are a part of this holographic universe,

where everything is connected, and what we do affects

everything, even if we don’t give our actions, thoughts,

behaviors much attention. It is all a Great Mystery, and

all beings are part of it, part of the great sacred Hoop of


Exercise 1 Your Energy Body as a Medicine


Consider yourself for a moment, feeling your

physical body. If it helps, look at yourself in a fulllength

mirror. Your physical body is the densest form

of your body, but it is, by no means, the extent of

your body.

If you put your feet apart slightly and extend your

arms straight out from your body (as in the famous

Leonardo da Vinci drawing Vitruvian Man), you will

see that your form describes a perfect circle. If you

look around you, turning completely around, you

will see that the world as you see it describes a

perfect circle. This is the medicine wheel that is you.

In native way, we call things that have power


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