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8 Strategic Communications Crisis Communications Offering 9

12 Strategic Communications Crisis Communications Offering 13

10 Strategic Communications

14 Strategic Communications Crisis Communications Offering 15

The 3 phases of a crisis

Our offering

Our offering

Stage 1: Prepare

Stage 2: Respond

Stage 3: Repair

Understand risk

Optimise processes

Develop plans

Extract information

Manage the media

Reassure stakeholders

Review systems

Legal processes

Rebuild trust

The first suite of services we offer deals with helping companies to prepare for

crisis. First, we take time to audit the company’s levels of readiness, then we help

the business to plan for crisis, before testing our work with simulation exercises.




Audit current protocols Scenario planning Various simulation

and communications

exercises to test the


Develop crisis protocols quality of your crisis


Interviews with senior Map crisis team, roles

execs / leadership and responsibilities FTI Fortify Workshop

Benchmark against best Social listening and FTI Fortify Simulation


media monitoring


Review company culture KOL, third-party and assessments

stakeholder mapping

Map all stakeholders and engagement

FTI Detect – audit of the Media, spokesperson

cyber shadows left by and interview training

senior management




The second phase involves the services we typically expect to provide during a

crisis situation. This list is not exhaustive, as no two crises are ever the same.

We bring discipline and the benefits of prior experience to ensure various

contingencies and potential outcomes are considered and analysed in a given

situation. In this way, we aim to enable our clients to execute coordinated and

consistent communications responses.


As the crisis

Ongoing fallout


from the crisis

Rapid on-the-ground team Victim support

Litigation communications

deployment, including full

Investor relations advice Preparation for

back- office support

parliamentary hearings

Employee communication:

Strategic advice: response,

Town halls, staff emails Investor relations: Briefing

messaging, recommended

analysts and forecasts,


Regulatory liaison

consensus management

Engagement with

Customer engagement

Employee engagement:


Rapid response correcting New structures,

Monitoring: social and misreporting

restructuring, working

mainstream media

practices & culture

Background media



Ongoing media

Analysis and


Comms materials: Scripts,


key messages, Q&As

Media relations, journalist

FTI Fortify60 – our mobile

engagement and response

app for crisis comms

Personal security

The final phase is recovery. A crisis event can often trigger widespread changes

to an organisation, not just in terms of its reputation. Management might change,

jobs may have been lost, new strategies developed and deployed.

Our goal in the recovery process is to position the crisis as firmly in the past, emphasising

the progress made to restore confidence and bridge to long-term growth and success.

Once the crisis has subsided and recovery is underway, FTI Consulting helps clients to

identify and apply the lessons learned, facilitating continuous improvement and assured

management of future issues.




Crisis evolution and Positioning of past events Targets & KPIs

experience feedback from

Rewrite the story

Demonstrating progress

management team

and success

Re-articulating corporate

Media coverage analysis

narrative (values,


Social and digital media perspective etc)



Media engagement

Embedding best practice

Internal and external

and institutionalising

Stakeholder reengagement

perception studies


Update and revising crisis

management protocols

Why are we different?

Some of our crisis work in recent years

FTI Consulting has decades of experience in supporting companies, governments and individuals through crisis situations. From the aftermath of

the Deepwater Horizon tragedy, through plane crashes, products recalls, fraud, investor activism, cyber breaches and many more. As such we are

ideally positioned to support Boards in preparing for and dealing with crises.

Lessons learned:

Multi-disciplinary: Holistic view:

Collaborative approach:

We have been in the As a multi-disciplinary A crisis isn’t just about Many of us are former

thick of some of the most business advisory

your share price, or your journalists, lawyers,

challenging corporate firm that focuses on customers, or the media litigation experts so

crises of recent times. The defending our clients’ or politicians. It’s about we understand where

lessons we have learned enterprise value, we offer all of them together. We everyone is coming from.

in these most exacting much more than other ensure that the advice we We always work closely

of situations now benefit communications firms and give takes all interested with your other advisers,

those clients facing crisis have access the insights parties into account. including your legal

issues of their own. and expertise from our

team, to provide the best

colleagues across our

possible outcome.

global business segments.

Boardroom experience:

Finally, our financial PR

heritage means that we

are very used to standing

toe to toe with the C-suite

in the Boardroom. It is

our mission to ensure

that reputation sits at

the heart of the Board’s

decisions in times

of crisis.

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