Herald 20201208

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Highfields business last breakfast for 2020

Members of the Highfields

and District Business Connections

group celebrated the various

successes it has achieved

throughout the year and future


The group held its final

monthly breakfast meeting for

2020 with Toowoomba Regional

Council Deputy Mayor Geoff

McDonald, Cr Melissa Taylor

and Cr Rebecca Vonhoff attending

and updating the group with

what the council has planned.

HDBC president Ray Hunt

said the group had experienced

steady growth in membership in


“What we try to do here is

uncover any small businesses

that would like to be part of the

HDBC,” he said.

“We’re looking for any new

businesses in the area. It doesn’t

matter if they are operating out

of home or have a shopfront.

“Over the course of the past

two months, there have been 10

new members join and that will

increase in the new year.”

Kehoe Myers Consulting

Engineers director and former

HDBC committee member

Grant Pendlebury said the group

had a good run recruiting new

members over the past three

months during a membership


Cr McDonald brought up the

council’s focus on local spend

in regional centres that helps increase

the capacity of local businesses

and local economy.

“We have a target of 60 per

cent local spend to local businesses

which is critical in regards

to getting through the pandemic,”

Cr McDonald said.

“This has been something we

have been putting in place for

about six to seven years.

“In October, we saw some

64 per cent of our total council

spend locally, that equated to

$15 million into the economy

which is a good boost.

“For the year to date until the

end of October, the first quarter

of the year, we’re at 56 per cent

that equated to $55 million spent


Cr McDonald said the council

had a deputation from the Small

Business Commissioner Maree

Adshead, with talks of the

council joining the Queensland

Government’s Small Business

Friendly Councils Initiative.

The initiative was established

to recognise and support local

councils in Queensland that are

actively supporting small businesses

in their area and helping

them to recover and build resilience

following disasters and

economic challenges.

Cheese of my childhood

Family dinners on a Sunday are a staple in ourhousehold.

And I don’t mean some haphazardly

thrown together dish either. It is truly a king’s feast.

Every Sunday, grandma comes down to join us as

well, happily indulging in some Greens Gravy mix,

a cut above the Gravox she used for about 60 years.

This poem reminds her of the times she herself had as a

child, from family dinners to the light entertainment she

would have. - Quinn Macdonald


“That is something that will

come to the council in January

next year as to whether the council

is a part of that,” he said.

“It would be great for the

HDBC to be involved with the

announcement because if the

council agrees to be part of the

initiative, the success of being

involved would be that our regional

centres also benefit from

this local spend.

“One of the measures of success

will be small businesses in

our remote townships actually

getting some benefit from this.”

Merivale Cakes and Crafts

owner Mary Reid explained the

Federal Government’s Go Local

First program which aims to

help local small businesses by

providing free exposure.

Ms Reid said the government’s

initiative came at a time

to help small businesses through

the effects the pandemic had on

the local economy.

Mr Hunt said the group had a

meeting with TRC Mayor Paul

Antonio and that he was happy

to have another meeting with

the group that would involve the

council’s planning department,

so the group could gain some

details about the Highfields town

centre and provide its input.

The next meeting will be held

in February 2021. - Sean White

I remember the cheese of my

childhood, and the bread we cut with

a knife,

When children helped out with the

housework, and men went to work, not

the wife.

The cheese never needed an ice

chest. The bread was so crusty and


Cr Rebecca Vonhoff, Cr Melissa Taylor, Deputy Mayor, and Cr Geoff McDonald

with HDBC president Ray Hunt

The children were seldom unhappy,

and the wife content with her lot.

I remember the milk from the billy

with yummy rich cream on the top

Our dinners came hot from the oven

and not from some fridge in a shop.

The kids were a lot more contented

They didn’t need money for kicks

But a game with their mates in the

paddock and sometimes the Saturday


I remember the shop on the corner

Where a penny worth of lollies were


Do you think I’m a bit to nostalgic

or is it I’m just getting old? - Author


Christmas in Crows Nest

Friday, December 11 – 6-9pm

In light of COVID this year, it was decided to cancel Crows Nest’s Christmas in the

Park, however Crows Nest Lions, Crows Nest Tourist and Progress and

Toowoomba Regional Council decided to run a COVID safe Christmas activity.

On 11th December between 6pm and 9pm, we will have a Christmas Gift Bag Drive

through between the Crows Nest Soft Drinks and Tyre Service buildings.

The first 100 vehicles will receive one Christmas Gift Bag, these bags are limited to 100

so we apologise if we run out before you arrive.

Toowoomba Regional Council has generously transferred the Crows Nest Day 2020

funds to this event.

Colouring Competition - Crows Nest News

Lights Competition

Terms and Conditions can be found on the

entry forms at Crows Nest News

Prizes for:

Residential – $150

Business – Perpetual Trophy

Community group – $150

Brightest – $150

Novelty – $150

Neighbours/hood – $200 BBQ package

Best decorated mailbox – $50 voucher

Peoples Choice

Entries close December 7

Judging 8-9-10 December


The Village in the High Country

Contact: 0428 331 570 for more details

*Tune into 88FM for festive music and messages from your community on Friday 11th Dec between 6 and 9pm

12 - HIGH COUNTRY HERALD - DECEMBER 8, 2020 To advertise phone 4615 4416 or email herald@highcountrynews.net.au

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