MC Fall 2020

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By Fatima Rivera

The photography world continues to rise

and students on campus are taking advantage

of the scenery every chance they get. Jorge

Zamudio is one of those students who create

magic with the camera and editing skills.

Born in Mexico, Zamudio immigrated to

the U.S at a young age. He lived in Atlanta,

Georgia for seven years until moving to Virginia

Beach in 2011. He is currently a senior

with plans to graduate in 2021 as a mechanical

and aerospace engineering student with

a minor in engineering management.

When did you first begin


Zamudio: “March 13, 2019, was the day

I started taking it seriously because it was

the first time I ever had an actual shoot and

saw that it was possible I could take it seriously.

I just kind of woke up and I saw it on

social media and decided to try it out. I had

a few people ask me to do some shoots for

them and they really liked it so I decided to

pursue that.”

What’s the story behind

these pictures?

Zamudio: I was really trying to learn photoshop,

I didn’t have it at that time so I was

trying to experiment, I was out in the woods

on the day and It sparked an idea. What if I

had someone step out of their frame and then

I photoshop the rest of their body into it. I

pitched the idea to her [the model] but she

didn’t get it because it was hard to explain,

she was agreeing to it and then we did it at

First Landing State Park at Virginia Beach. It’s

between Chic’s beach and Oceanfront.

What program do you use?

Zamudio: I use photoshop, its a powerful

program and you can’t go wrong with it.

It’s been over a year and I still have so much

to learn because its a powerful machine and

there’s so much you can do with it. Every

time you use it, you learn a new lesson, you

learn how to do something better or efficiently

in a new way. And I can see that between

my older pictures and newer pictures

in my editing styles, colors make more sense

I learned more about the color wheel and

complementary colors. I go more towards

warm tones than cold tones,

What direction do you hope

your photography goes in?

Zamudio: I always see it as being a part

of me and don’t plan on stopping anytime

soon. I definitely would like to get published in

a bigger magazine or more people to see my

work. I think that’s what every creative want.

What advice can you give to

those aspiring in photography?

Zamudio: Just keep shooting, its the

simplest and most used advice you can give

to anybody. I was given it back then and its

first-hand experience that you need to learn

to become a better photographer. Shoot

your friends and others to create magic. You

learn to ride a bike by going out there and

riding it and it’s the same concept.

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