Trials of Apollo 5

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meet my eyes.

I wondered again who Luguselwa was, and what she meant to Meg. Not

once in our months of travel had Meg mentioned her. This fact disturbed me.

Rather than indicating that Lu was unimportant, it made me suspect she was

very important indeed.

And why a Gaul? Gauls had been unusual in Nero’s Rome. By the time

he became emperor, most of them had been conquered and forcibly

“civilized.” Those who still wore tattoos and torques and lived according to

the old ways had been pushed to the fringes of Brittany or forced over to the

British Isles. The name Luguselwa…My Gaulish had never been very good,

but I thought it meant beloved of the god Lugus. I shuddered. Those Celtic

deities were a strange, fierce bunch.

My thoughts were too unhinged to solve the puzzle of Lu. I kept thinking

back to the poor amphisbaena she’d killed—a harmless monster commuter

who would never make it home to his wife, all because a prophecy had made

him its pawn.

His message had left me shaken—a verse in terza rima, like the one we’d

received at Camp Jupiter:

O son of Zeus the final challenge face.

The tow’r of Nero two alone ascend.

Dislodge the beast that hast usurped thy place.

Yes, I had memorized the cursed thing.

Now we had our second set of instructions, clearly linked to the previous

set, because the first and third lines rhymed with ascend. Stupid Dante and

his stupid idea for a never-ending poem structure:

The son of Hades, cavern-runners’ friend,

Must show the secret way unto the throne.

On Nero’s own your lives do now depend.

I knew a son of Hades: Nico di Angelo. He was probably still at Camp

Half-Blood on Long Island. If he had some secret way to Nero’s throne, he’d

never get the chance to show us unless we escaped this train. How Nico

might be a “cavern-runners’ friend,” I had no idea.

The last line of the new verse was just cruel. We were presently

surrounded by “Nero’s own,” so of course our lives depended on them. I

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