Man with his 2 dogs

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the walk. It was a continuous unlearning and learning process for me. I knew one thing,

I do not have luxury of giving up. There were very low days when Jaggs or Murphy will

behave horribly not listen commands. Soon, I realized if I cannot expect from humans

why am I expecting too much from them? I took Jaggs and socialized with all strays,

pedigrees, watchmen, housekeeping staffs and small kids. I knew Jaggs is a highly

sensitive dog and can be trained as a therapy dog… I realized the purpose with which

he came in my life. Today Jaggs is an extremely happy confident Dog getting trained

to be a certified Therapy Dog soon.

Murphy is having the best days of his life. Roaming in the entire township off leash…

sniffing objects, peeing on all plants on the way, looking back at his proud dad. He is

the most desired dog among all bitches. Same people who hated him want to pet him

and want their pet to learn few things from him. There are some people who knew

him from past can not believe their eyes.


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