Blurring Thresholds by Nelisha Mehta (B.Arch Thesis)

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1.2 Significance of the Sustenance of Wetlands

Wetlands are one of the most productive ecosystems globally.

They are beneficial to three categories of living organisms

on Earth – animal kingdom, the plant kingdom and human

beings. They are significant in the sustenance of several

endangered species from the plant and animal kingdom as

they are the primary source of water for them. They are home

to high numbers of birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals

and invertebrate species. Additionally, Marine and Coastal

Wetlands are home to coral reefs, that contain the most

diverse fish compositions in the world. They are also key

storehouses for genetic material of plants, earning the title,

‘the cradles of biodiversity’ (Ramsar Information paper no.1).

Furthermore, they have provided multiple benefits to humanity

throughout history. Many ancient civilizations like the Mayas,

Incas, and Aztecs in Latin America, Marsh Arabs in Mesopotamia,

and Khmer in Asia settled near these wetlands as they depended

on them for their livelihood. Nowadays, wetlands help to address

critical concerns of poor nutrition and lack of clean water for the

poor. For instance, in developing countries like Zambia, where

most of the population is poor, wetlands contribute to around

5% of the gross domestic product (GDP) and in Tanzania’s

Kilombero Valley it makes up to 80% of cash income in the

poor households(Water Management Institute (IWMI) 3,5).

Figure 1.5: Venn theory depicting the three beneficiaries of wetlands


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