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Dr. Benazir Ahmed’s Initiatives: Bringing the brightest changes in Bangladesh Police

Acting Editor & Publisher : Jobaer Alam

e-mail: editor@thebangladeshtoday.com

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Maintaining food security

amidthe pandemic

Though the UN has warned that coronavirus protective

measures could jeopardise food security around the

world, Bangladesh is unlikely to face such a problem if

the government can ensure people's access to food as it still has

enough stock of basic foodgrain.

But experts also said the government should not be

complacent with its food stock as it has a big challenge to

ensure its availability at the doorsteps of the affected people

through various social safety net programmes and food

ratioing system, and keep the prices of the essentials affordable

through proper market intervention in a bid to ensure food


According to the experts, the government's measures to

provide people with food aid are not sufficient when millions

involved in the informal sector have become temporarily

unemployed with the gradual loss of their buying capacity due

to the varying degrees of shutdown of economic activities.They

also warned that food security will not be ensured even after

having adequate volume of food grains as the system may fail

to ensure its availability at every nook and corner always

within the buying capacity of all.

Contacted, Sarwar Mahmud, the Directorate General (DG)

of Food, said the country is unlikely to face any food crisis even

if the coronavirus situation prevails for a long timed due to

adequate stock of food grains, including rice, wheat, potato

and other essential commodities."We're not worried about

food security since Bangladesh is not a majprfood-deficit

country. We got a bountiful Aman and Boro rice production,"

he added.

Agriculture Secretary Md Nasiruzzaman said coronavirus

has no impact on Bangladesh's agriculture sector and they do

not think the country's food security will be at stake if the

corona situation prolongs."We've got a bumper production of

Aman and Aush crop. We'll also have had a good production

of Boro. We produced almost all crops and vegetables this

season much more than what we did last year. So, we won't

face any food crisis under any situation," he said.

Nasir said farmers produced around 23 lakh metric tonnes

of onion last year while they expect it to be more than 25 lakh

metric tonnes this year. "We got over one crore metric tonnes

of potato last year while the farmers produced around 1. 09

crore metric tonnes of the crop this year against the local

demand for 70,000 metric tonnes."

Besides, he said, farmers also this year produced over 5,000

metric tonnes of vegetables more than what they did last year.

"Agricultural activities remain unaffected amid the

coronavirus shutdown as farmers usually work maintaining

social distancing. Most of our crops, except Boro paddy, jute

and maize, have already been produced. So, there's no reason

to be worried about any food crisis."

Commerce Minister at a recent press confrere said the

government has enough stock of food grains and daily

household items."There's no scope for shortage of food since

the government has stockpiled about 40 percent more goods

this year than it had last year," he said.The minister said 2.6

lakh tonnes of pulses were imported in 2018-19 financial year,

while 2.1 lakh tonnes pulses have already been imported over

the last seven months.

He said they have also imported enough edible oil and onion

to meet the local demand of the items. The former caretaker

government finance adviser Dr AB Mirza Azizul Islam said the

country may not face any food crisis as the stock looks enough

to deal with the coronavirus situation. "But the main worries

are whether people will have the access to food or the food will

be available for people at affordable prices."

He said people's buying capacity is declining with limiting of

most economic activities to prevent the virus. "Besides, many

people have lost their sources of earning and become

temporarily jobless. So, it's the main challenge to ensure food

for them by widening the social safety net programmes."The

noted economists said the government must strengthen its

food aid support mainly for the day-labourers and those

involved in informal sector alongside the BGF and OMS

programmes for the poor to ensure food safety of all citizens.

He said the government announced a stimulus package of

Tk 5,000 crore for the RMG sector, but it did not spell out any

such package for those engaged in informal sector, the source

of 85 percent of total employment in the country.

Mirza Aziz said the rich should come forward and corporate

houses should use their CSR funds to stand by the affected

people alongside the government to ensure food security.

Prof Mustafizur Rahman, Distinguished Fellow at the Centre

for Policy Dialogue (CPD), said Bangladesh is in a better

position than may other coronavirus-hit countries in terms of

food production and food stock. "But food security means not

only having adequate food grains. The proper distribution of

food, availability of food and people's purchasing capacity

involves the total food security notion."

He said nearly 1 core day-labourers have lost their jobs while

the overwhelming majority of 2.70 crore people in the

informal sector has become temporarily unemployed and they

are gradually losing their purchasing capacity. "The

government should look into this matter so that these huge

number of people can have food."

Besides, Mustafiz said, many people returned to their village

homes during the pandemic but they have no income now.

"So, the government must introduce food rationing system

alongside strengthening other programmes under social safety

net. Food security will be ensured when people will have access

to food."He said the government also must remain alert and

strengthen market monitoring so that unscrupulous

businessmen cannot create artificial food crisis taking

advantage of the situation.

Bangladesh Police will take their

services at the doorsteps of the

citizens. It is not the citizens rather the

Police will reach to the people's doors to hail

him with available policing services at hand.

This pro-people approach towards our

citizens has keenly been introduced by one

of the finest son of our soil, globally

acclaimed police professional and present

incumbent as Inspector General of Police,

Bangladesh Dr. Benazir Ahmed, BPM (Bar).

Here Michael Jordan is quite relevant, he

says, 'some people want it to happen, some

wish it would happen, others make it

happen.' Dr. Ahmed has been trying to make

it happen since the day one, since the day of

his incumbency during the peak of this

pandemic. This article, meanwhile, attempts

to glimpse over some of his pro-people

futuristic initiatives and innovations that

have remarkably been bringing the brightest

changes within the forces and services to the

lives of the people.

firstly, Dr. Benazir Ahmed BPM (Bar)

has introduced and customized Beat

Policing here in Bangladesh, from the center

to the remotest corners of the country. Due

to this approach, Police or the Beat Police

Officer will able to provide available policing

services to the doorsteps of the citizens. It

will quite possible for number of reasons, i.e,

smaller jurisdiction, smaller number of

people to serve, smaller communications

network, smaller stakeholders etc. It is a

common phenomenon that a Police officer

is overly tasked, as a result fatigue comes in,

and focus is lost frequently. To avoid such

scenario, Beat Policing is comparably a

better option in hand. Being a bookworm,

Dr. Ahmed is an extensive reader,

henceforth he reads former NYPD Police

Commissioner Bill Bratton's Book 'The

Turnaround: How America's Top Cop

Reversed the Crime Epidemic'. Here he

THE early days of the novel coronavirus

were soaked in unknowing. There was

very little that was known about the virus,

how it was transmitted, what symptoms it

caused, how many had it and how many were

dying of it. Some said that the Chinese

government was hiding information to prevent

the world from knowing how terrible the

situation was. The city of Wuhan was the

centre of the world's attention; the virus was

supposed to have first jumped species at a wet

market, moving from bat to rodent to human

in the most lethal chain in modern history.

What was happening in Wuhan in those early

days was a mystery, even as the whole globe -

ordinary people, world-renowned

epidemiologists and infectious disease doctors,

world leaders - was hungry for information.

Amid this environment of darkness and

fear, Chinese lawyer turned citizen journalist

Zhang Zhan was a beam of light. A resident of

Shanghai, Zhang travelled to Wuhan in the

early days of the pandemic. In Wuhan, she

became one of a few citizen journalists who

made videos of what was happening inside the

plagued city and posting them for all the

world, not to mention the rest of China, to see.

She made videos of the terrible overcrowding

at hospitals and clinics. She made videos of the

strictness of the lockdown and the people who

were being punished by police for minor

violations of the lockdown rules.

Zhang was a critic of the Chinese

government, its secretive ways and what she

saw as mismanagement of the pandemic.

"The government's way of managing this city

has just been intimidation and threats. This is

truly the tragedy of this country," the 37-yearold

declared in one of her videos. Soon after

this, she disappeared, messages to her went


comes to know how New York City was

made crime free through beat by beat, block

by block approach and compstat. He urges

field police officers to be pied piper of

Hamelin for greater social good.

Secondly, in line with the honorable

Prime Minister's priorities, Dr. Ahmed

reinforced the zero tolerance policy of drugs

and narcotics, in a larger extend, he

announced war against illegal drugs.

During his tenure as Director General of

RAB, he led to coin the term, ' cholo jai

juddhe, madoker biruddhe.' He urges every

nook and corners to save our successive

generations from this scourge of drugs. To

achieve this goal, he puts forward extensive

and massive coordination, collaboration

and partnership with different agencies and

citizens. Additionally, he collates, collects

and commands internal deep data to

differentiate drug addicts within, if any.

Thirdly, corruption cannot be continued,

it must be stopped now. In accordance with

the magnificence of government priority

manifesto and zero tolerance policy on

corruption, Dr. Ahmed reminds his

colleagues, policing is a service for people,

it's not business. We are delivering services

to our 'citizens' who are the owner of this


State as per our constitution, we are not

dealing with 'customers' like corporate

conglomerates. Meanwhile, policing is not a

business platform, and henceforth he

conjures up his command staffs to ruthlessly

edit your lifestyle as per the government

salaries, remuneration and benefits for the

common good of our citizens.

fourthly, winning the hearts of our

citizens has remained one of the cornerstone

of our service since the direction of the

father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh

Mujibur Rahman. To make this dream into

reality, Dr. Benazir Ahmed has relentlessly

been inspiring since the day one of his

incumbency as Inspector General of Police,

Bangladesh. The dissemination of strict

command of 'no harassment', 'no

discrimination' to anyone. To him,

sometimes, Police role is like Shakespearean

Hamlet ' cruel to be only kind', still we

should strive to serve our beloved

motherland and her citizens. We have to

remove all our behavioral barriers as the

Persian poet and philosopher Jalaluddin

Rumi says ' your goal is not to find love, but

to remove all barriers which are preventing

you from receiving it.' We must be strict on

implementation of laws that are vested on,

Citizen journalist

unanswered, and her social media accounts

became inactive.

Eventually, her friends found out that Zhang

had been arrested in May and taken to

Shanghai, where she was being held under

charges of spreading lies and making up false

information. In prison, her lawyers said,

Zhang began a hunger strike. In response, the

Chinese government authorities force-fed her

with a feeding tube. They restrained her arms

to make sure she would not pull it out.

Zhang Zhan became one of a few people

who made videos of what was happening

inside Wuhan for all the world to see.

On Dec 28, 2020, as the novel coronavirus

continued to rage around the globe, mutating

into new and more transmissible forms,

Zhang was tried in a court in Shanghai. When

she was produced in court by prison

authorities, she was in a wheelchair and was

barely recognisable from her former self. The

only words she spoke were a short statement

saying that people's speech should not be


Her condition did not stop the court from

delivering judgement on the official charges,

which translate to "picking quarrels and

provoking trouble". According to The New

York Times, China uses this vague category of

crime to punish all those that it perceives as

critical of the government.

In the short sham of a trial, which very few

people were permitted to attend, the judge

easily found Zhang guilty. For the crime of

sharing crucial and lifesaving information

with the world at one of the most horrific

moments in human history, she was

sentenced to four years in prison. As the judge

handed out the sentence, Zhang's mother,

who had not seen her daughter ever since her

arrest in May 2020, sobbed loudly. It didn't

matter, of course; the outcome of the trial had,

like so many others in China, been

predetermined. Zhang had dared to criticise

the Chinese government, and for that she

would have to suffer, be restrained and forcefed,

and be imprisoned for four long years.

Along with Zhang Zhan, other critics of the

Chinese government who have dared speak

out about its ability to manage the pandemic

were also arrested. Most of them, however,

have been released, yet Zhang appears to have

been handed down the harshest prison

sentence, perhaps because she is not willing to

admit that what she did was wrong.

Indeed, it was not wrong at all. Zhang


and obviously must not demonstrate

physical or personal strength to implement

these laws.

Finally, Dr. Ahmed has been trying from

front to transforming Bangladesh Police

from conventional conundrum to techbased,

innovative, futuristic organization. As

an international leader of organizational

change management, he puts forward his

vision to reshape Bangladesh Police from

retrospective to prospective, aftercare to

pre-care of its own staffs and colleagues.

Forces welfare is key to motivate employees

to serve in significantly and substantively.

However, he does not want to blur the grey

line between discipline and welfare. He says

if our employees are motivated, if they are

inspired, the targets that we set forth, will be

easily achievable. With his spirit, Arthur

Schopenhauer is relevant to mention,'

everyone takes the limits of his own vision

for the limits of the world.'

To bring the brightest changes in policing

pattern and practices, Dr. Benazir Ahmed's

unique five points in line with the

government policies and strategies has

already been in place to practice and

gradually comes up with effective changes

within and beyond. This is why, Bangladesh

Police has earned huge hearts from the

Nation's premier HPM, intellectuals,

professors and stars in this pandemic. I am

sure like Napoleon Hill, ' whatever the mind

of a man can conceive and believe, it can be

achieved.' and so the IGP's five points is

synchronically as well as gradually being

achieved for sustainable peace in

streamlining with our national aspiration of

2041 here in Bangladesh.

The writer has been serving as

Additional Superintendent of

Police in Media and Public

Relations, Police Headquarters.

provided a glimpse into Wuhan, the epicentre

of the global Covid-19 pandemic, at a time

when many were not even sure there was a

new virus. While the Chinese government

denies it, it is not known whether they would

have admitted to the fact that there was a novel

coronavirus that may have originated in a wet

market in Wuhan at all. While they would not

be able to hide it forever, the early leaked

videos produced by Zhang likely created

crucial pressure that forced the Chinese

government to come clean.

Once upon a time, the international human

rights framework ensured that women like

Zhang who performed such a valuable service

for the world would not be punished and left to

languish in a Chinese jail. Human rights

advocates would ensure that her case received

attention and demand that the Chinese

government release her. The failure of that

system can be witnessed by the simple fact

that, one week after the European Union

issued a statement criticising the Chinese

government for its treatment of Zhang, they

turned around and signed a trade treaty with

the very same government.

People often praise China by saying that it is

unstoppable in its march towards world

domination. They neglect to mention that

China is also unstoppable in this other way,

punishing the brave truth-tellers who put the

welfare of the world before their own selfinterest.

Zhang's story should provoke some

questions about all the other truths that are

successfully suppressed by the Chinese

government. An emerging superpower that

cares more about image rather than truth is

unlikely to be concerned with anything except

its own survival.

Source: Dawn

Now is a promising time to begin to heal Gulf rift

On Tuesday in AlUla, a city in

northwestern Saudi Arabia, the

leaders of Saudi Arabia, the UAE,

Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, and Kuwait

attended a ceremony that marked a

significant step toward healing the rift

between Qatar and its Gulf neighbors. In

advance of the GCC leaders' summit, in a

show of good faith airspace restrictions

were lifted and sea and air borders were

reopened. The Trump administration,

working closely with leaders throughout

the region, worked hard to reach this step.

This event is yet another example of the

realpolitik approach that has, of late, been

adopted by the region with the

encouragement of US President Donald

Trump, along with the able assistance of

Jared Kushner and his team. As with the

Abraham Accords, this achievement

represents the hard work of courageous

leaders who recognize that perfect must

not be the enemy of the good. These

leaders understand that, despite the

differences they have not yet fully

resolved, working together is better for the

Her condition did not stop the court from delivering judgement

on the official charges, which translate to "picking quarrels

and provoking trouble". According to The New York

Times, China uses this vague category of crime to punish all

those that it perceives as critical of the government.

region. This achievement represents the

hard work of courageous leaders who

recognize that perfect must not be the

enemy of the good. Tuesday's event is yet

another triumph for the foreign-policy

approach of President Trump and his

administration, which includes patience,

perseverance, respect for those who are

involved and the issues they are

concerned about, as well as not preaching

or dictating an outcome that the region is

unwilling to accept or embrace. As Trump

said when he visited Saudi Arabia in May

2017, his goal was not "to lecture (or) to

tell other people how to live, what to do,

who to be, or how to worship. Instead, (his

goal was) to offer partnership - based on

shared interests and values - to pursue a

better future for us all."

The Middle East is an extraordinarily

complicated region with so much promise.

Each day I participate in video chats with

businessmen and women throughout the

region (often including Israelis) and our

conversations are peppered with

enthusiasm for what they see unfolding.

They see a region of growth, vibrancy, and

opportunity. They look up to their

leadership and the goals their leadership is

striving to achieve. Over the past four years,

I have been blessed to have developed deep

relationships with many people in this

region - both personal and professional.

The personal ones are, of course, the most

cherished. We have broken bread together,

celebrated happy occasions, gotten to know

one another's families, customs, holidays,

dreams, and aspirations. It has been a true

blessing. I continue to marvel at where they

are heading.

Each of these countries has its own

approach on how to achieve their future

plans, but they also recognize that they are

stronger working together than apart.

Undoubtedly there will be bumps in the

road and occasional setbacks. But with the

strong leadership in place in the region, I

firmly believe we have much to look

forward to in the Middle East in the

coming years. This region, especially its

enthusiastic, talented, younger

generation, is also poised to make a

tremendous mark on the rest of the world.

Tuesday's ceremony removed a

significant stumbling block from the path

toward those goals. It may be that not all

of the issues have yet been resolved and

that personal relationships are yet to be

rebuilt. It may be that these countries do

not agree on some of the important issues

of the day, including the Iranian regime

and the threat it poses to the region.

Despite these differences and challenges,

it is time to rebuild the bonds between

these neighbors and hopefully others in

the region too, including Israel. It is time

to continue to strengthen existing

partnerships and to build new ones, not

only in security, combating extremism

and fostering commerce, but in friendship

and culture. Tuesday's achievement

recognizes that, while leaders cannot solve

all of the region's problems at the same

time and not everything is perfect,

significant progress can be made and

opportunities must be seized.

Source: Arab news

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