Brochure 2021

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Murray MacDonald

AOTW Director and Founding Trustee


I am absolutely delighted to welcome you to our first ever brochure for Autism on the Water.

This brochure is packed with all information relating the charity’s schedule with our new

boat, where the events will take place and when. When you see something of interest,

please ensure that you email aotwofficial0@gmail.com to enquire or reserve a place.

Numbers on certain trips will be limited and will be shown in the brochure.

2020 was a very difficult year for so many due to COVID-19 which is still severely affecting

our lives today. We spent much of the pandemic working on much needed to grow the

charity and these efforts have been of massive success.

Our planned trips on our new boat for 2021 will be trialled taster sessions to see how

popular they are before we start our full regular programme in 2022.

Our aim as always is to increase awareness of the Autistic Spectrum through sailing and to

help encourage those on the spectrum to access the sport. Whilst we still continue to live

under severe restrictions and I must emphasise that much of our plans and activities

are subject to COVID restrictions and Government Guidelines, I feel confident that by

spring we will see a massive difference and begin to get our substantially big programme


Wishing you all a safe and fair sailing for 2021 and remember our email is always turned on

should you need us!

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